Thursday, May 7, 2015

The drugs flowing on a secret Internet – almost impossible to stop – Metro

On May 15 blocked pulled King William Ross Ulbricht into prison for at least 30 years. He was convicted of money laundering, hacking, drug trafficking and attempted murder. Everything had its basis in the drug market, the Silk Road, which until recently was the Internet’s perhaps the greatest source of drugs. On the site was sold heroin, cannabis, narcotic drugs, ecstasy and basically any drugs you can imagine. The reason that the page could be online as long as 2.5 years for the housed in the so-called Deep Web, the confidential part of the Internet.

According to The Guardian it’s really only about 0.03 percent of the Internet that you reach when you search on for example Google. Internet is a bit like an iceberg – only a small part is visible from the surface. A white paper published in the journal The Journal of Electronic Publishing , estimated in 2001 that the part of the Internet that is below the water is about 400-550 times that part of the surface.

The great part of the ouåtkomliga part of the Internet belonging to private companies, comprised of databases or contain other fairly unexciting details. But some of the mysterious iceberg under the water is deliberately hidden, and can only be accessed if you are technically knowledgeable and knows what to do. On the part of the deep Internet, anything can happen – no one sees what you do.

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To enter the Deep Web you need special software originally developed by the US military but now being developed openly and can be downloaded freely by anyone. The program is a browser, just as Google Chrome or Internet Explorer, but will make you completely anonymous.

– The normal use of the program is when you sit and can not access a service online that you live in a country with censorship, such as Iran or China. Then there are other cases where you want to be anonymous online, for example if you want to contact a person but do not want it to know who you are, for example if you are a whistle-blower or a journalist, says Patrik Wallström, security expert at the Foundation for internet infrastructure.

For those who do not know what it does, the browser only a web browser is slow, but that makes you anonymous. The fact is that you basically impossible to track if you use it.

– You can never be 100 percent sure, but since the development of the program is completely open and transparent dare I bit on my communication is safe through it. It is the best system available today, says Patrik Wallström.

For those who know where to look, however, opens the system up a whole new world. A world where one can order murders, buying counterfeit notes or check on the child pornography.

The secret URLs of web pages consisting of random characters, and often change names when they are not completely out of touch. The only way to really find anywhere is if you manage to get to The Hidden Wiki, the secret wiki.

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At a glance see the secret wiki like Wikipedia. Completely innocent. But on the wiki you can find links to web sites described as “Anonymous, safe, secure, crowdfunded assassination tions.” “Marketplace with Escrow. Drugs, guns and more … “,” Site with Real Rape, Blackmail and Forced videos! “But also” Learn how to Protect yourself and your rights, online and off. “Or” A Comprehensive Guide to Installing and Employing a Safer Anonymous Operating System “.

Since the pages are only accessible via the anonymous browser and kept the secret services, it is basically impossible to find out who is behind the pages. All payment is made by the anonymous currency Bitcoin . The only reason that Ross William Ulbricht was caught was the newspaper Wired due to an FBI agent managed to get a position of trust in his drug ring and therefore could infiltrate the Silk Road.

According to Kim Nilvall the national operational department of the National Police takes very drug sales in Sweden via the confidential part of the Internet. The National Police have a good overview of who sells drugs online and know hoses username, but the problem is to identify the people behind the names.

– We are a learning organization. We have been successful in many cases and are learning more and more each time. But it is encrypted is encrypted and it can not, we decrypt, he tells Metro.

According to Kim Nilvall are the people who sell drugs over the Internet rarely people trying to finance his own addiction. Instead, they sell drugs on purely commercial grounds. Much of the drugs are sent to northern Sweden or other locations where the service is worse and the population is sparser. And the sale of the network increases.

– We have together with a Dutch project investigated the traffic that occurs on the deep web, and there is a sharp increase in how much it talks about drugs. But how it relates to the physical trade is difficult to say, said Kim Nilvall to Metro.

Just a month after Ross William Ulbrich was arrested October 2, 2013 started a page called themselves Silk Road 2.0 up To shut down a year later. But the illegal drug trade continues to flow in the deep web, both in Sweden and internationally. Under Wired had the popular side Agora over 16 000 different products for sale in September 2014.


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