Friday, April 24, 2015

File transfer via WiFi in Windows 8 – M3

I have a desktop PC from HP with Windows 8. I wonder how I use Wifi Direct transfer files to mobile (Sony ) and tablet (Samsung), I also have bluray players that can communicate via WiFi Direct (Panasonic). Find no function in the computer about Wifi Direct, how do you activate it?

The mobile phone can also communicate with the computer via homegroup and media server, but when it comes to media server, so you can find the computer mobile and can read it, but do not carry over files. When it comes homegroup, I have the password, but do not know what it is for the user.


Thursday, April 23, 2015

Apple founder cleft to artificial intelligence – New Technology


In a few months it is 40 years ago, Steve Wozniak sat in front of his home-built computer, connected to a television, and wrote letters on the screen. The prototype was the basis for the first Apple computer he built himself the following year, and the beginning of an era in the computer industry.

Yeah, sure I was a kind of artist, he says.

On its own, in love with the possibilities that electronics gave, he had learned all the secrets with transistor circuits, and managed to build structures with fewer components than what others could not.

-Anledningen that I built with few components was to I was too lazy to pair them, he says jokingly, but adds:

-Enkelhet is the ultimate degree of something sophisticated .

As he spoke Tuesday at the event From buisness to button he reminded also of another single driving force – his and Steve Jobs bad economy.

We had no money. It is one thing worth thinking about, because it means that you have to accomplish things with what you have. I had to think of how I would do things that they could afford them.

-Motivation is sometimes more important than knowledge, he adds.

But although his work laid the foundations for a global success, perhaps unprecedented, he split his effort. Asked if he is afraid of the future, he says:

-More than that. I regret my contribution to it.

First, he thinks of how his dream was to give people control over their lives and more time.

But today we need two of the family who are working to afford a home. It is the wrong way, he said.

Since he thinks of artificial intelligence, AI.

-Datorer coming closer to the ability to think. And what if computers get feelings, if they can solve problems in the world, and becomes ten or a hundred times smarter than humans. It’s scary if it happens.

Even now begins computers to teach themselves, and the final step will be if they can program themselves themselves.

-Småbarn program themselves to talking, Can computers learn to talk that way? And learn to hold a glass without dropping it? They act more and more like people, such as with IBM’s [brain-inspired] chip Synapse. And Google is on the same track with Ray.

He refers to the entrepreneur, author and currently Development Manager at Google, Ray Kurzweil, who consider AI level with man’s will in 20 years.

-Ray say 20 years. I would say 20 to 200 years. But I do not want them to succeed, and fortunately, if there is I believe, it will not be in my lifetime.

One obstacle may be Moore’s law, Steve Wozniak believe may be about to expire for that soon we are down to the atomic level to store a one or zero.

Men in all this concern is Steve Wozniak while optimistic, almost lyrical, the possibilities of AI.

One area is education, where he has been teaching experience. And he notes that teaching becomes more effective the smaller classes are. Best is one teacher per student.

-Then you can never fail to explain something.

Och he thinks that computers could play a role in teaching.

– The problem is that they are not sufficiently interactive. There do not care who you are. But when the conscious, maybe then. For then would students be able to go forward at the pace they want. Not like today, where the school has a tendency to shape us. Students should respond with the same answer as the others, not with the answer they thought up.

And he also gives a toss to school policies in California, according to Wozniak has the worst schools in the United States all 50 states. The reason, he says, is a law that limits the property tax, and Wozniak believes that it exists for only a third of all families have children, and they do not get more votes for their many children.

Another area where Steve Wozniak sees great potential in AI, robotics and self-propelled vehicles – two areas that he would be happy to work with myself, if it was not so great focus on his person.

-Robotik contains so many areas – Mechanics, engines, transmissions, radio control, microprocessors, software, he notes , and says that he regularly participates as a judge in a robot competition where creativity is rewarded the most.

He would also like to develop a self-driving car – with bendable screens along the walls so that it could change the appearance both inside and outside.

And he states that the self-driving cars will take over.

-If twenty years from now people will not be able to drive a car. Already in ten years we will have many self-driving cars, along with cars driven by people, and then they self-driving to be so much better, with fewer accidents and more efficient driving.

-Den leading cause of death by accident is the car, he points out.

His third example of AI is his favoritapp – Apple’s digital assistant Siri. He tells a couple of episodes when he sought a response or thought annotate anything on the calendar, and received unexpected help from Siri.

-Wow ! Eureka!

But the question is whether it makes things better or worse, he says, and returns to the concern about the AI.

On the issue of intelligent machines will create more jobs than those that disappear, he is not sure.

-Det is an unexplored area. We do not know. Think about people’s job will be to watch the movie.

But here and now he wants most encouraging creativity. He advises business leaders to listen to young people and smart, allowing them to work with “skunk work” maybe in a secluded part of the company’s premises, in order to break with the company’s culture.

– Young people who build things is crucial. And yet, when they come to something new and better as the company may find it difficult to move in that direction, he says, referring to his own experiences at HP.

HP calculators developed with a sort of reverse logic input, and when Texas Instruments brought the counter where you could write equations that you write them on paper, believed HP’s engineers did not for a moment that it was good. But Wozniak showed them that it was superior.

For the same reason he celebrates Tim Cook who released until the larger model of the iPhone 6th All competitors had then phones with large screens.

-Tim broke the dogmatic attitude. It was so amazing.

Silicon Valley’s success, he explains mainly by the inventors of the transistor settled there, and that the area thus got an edge with companies like Fairchild, and with Moore’s Law.

-It must grow naturally, with successful companies, with the spin-off of better ideas that become other companies and related products. In the end follows the capital by.

Apple’s innovation strength he explains in a similar way.

-Är the real, or just a show? Apple has control, you will find the innovative companies, buy them up, and get the reputation of being innovative.

And what changed our lives most [iPhone] is tredjepartsappar he added.

Then he also recorded the Apple Watch, and notes that the sold in fifteen different varieties. Which differ mainly by different watchbands.

-Apple is a bracelet business now. It’s not that Apple we created, not the one that changed the world. But it is Apple we have now.

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Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Senzme buy Biomedical – Dagens Industri


Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Overall picture of the company’s IT – Business World

Computers, servers, network equipment, databases, applications. In a large organization’s hardware and software so it enough. A new tool provides quick and detailed overview that saves both time and money.

For the IT department may be difficult to have full track of all hardware and software at a company. InfraSight Labs has developed a smart software that shows exactly how the IT infrastructure looks and gives suggestions on how to improve it.

Deloitte Stora Enso and Volvo IT is in its growing customer throng. After several years of technology development is the focus on increased sales.

Infra-Sight provides a fast and detailed overview. It entails a gain in time for the IT department.

– The map of the infrastructure can be done by hand, but often it is a moving target. We can provide a snapshot that shows which activities related systems that are affected by server hall’s various components and vice versa, says Magnus Andersson, CEO and co-founder of the company.

Competition comes mainly from IT suppliers’ own monitoring solutions.

– But they only work against each supplier technology. Our software gives you an overview of all, in one tool. Thanks to the overall picture, we can provide advice that is based on how things actually fit together.


Monday, April 20, 2015

Dropping Wifi … see the log – the PC for All

Got a new computer, but find it too often loses WiFi approximately 5 meters directly from my Telia Router …

We’ll assume that the status of the gateway, signal strength should not have changed drastically but focuses on the computer.
It is a service manufacturer has offered so to speak monitors and constantly’ll try to fix the network, which it does well. You do not have self start Windows debugger-diagnose ie ..

Information about the latest troubleshooting, does not tell me anything at all. Is this normal? Why do so many Tx try?

Connection mode: Infra
Förassociation and Association
Connection Settings from the hardware manufacturer (IHV): No
Security Settings from the hardware manufacturer (IHV): No
profile matches network requirements: Successfully
Förassociationsstatus: Succeeded
Association Status: Successful
Last Access Point: 58-98-35-7a-04-c7
Security and Authentication
Configured security type: WPA2-PSK
Configured encryption type: CCMP (AES)
802.1X protocol: No
Key exchange initiated: Yes
Received Unicast Key: Yes
Received multicast Key: Yes
Messages safety package: 0
Number of sent security package: 0
Status of the safety study: Succeeded
Successful unicast decryption: 0
Multicast decryption was successful: 0
Unicast decryption failed: 0
Multicast decryption failed: 0
The reception was successful: 1728
Reception failed: 26060
The transfer was successful: 884
Transmission failed: 24
Tx retries: 144
Multiple Tx retries: 64
The maximum lifetime of Tx expires: 0
Roaming History: 3 Objects
Number of times: 2015-04-18 19: 58: 49-109
Roamad from BSSID: 58- 98-35-7a-04-c7
Reason: 0×00010002
Number of times: 2015-04-18 19: 38: 56-247
Roamad from BSSID: 58-98-35-7a-04-c7
Cause: 0×00010002
Number of times: 2015-04-18 19: 38: 49-106
Roamad from BSSID: 58- 98-35-7a-04-c7
Reason: 0×00010002


Saturday, April 18, 2015

Dropping Wifi … see the log – the PC for All

Got a new computer, but find it too often loses WiFi approximately 5 meters directly from my Telia Router …

We’ll assume that the status of the gateway, signal strength should not have changed drastically but focuses on the computer.
It is a service manufacturer has offered so to speak monitors and constantly’ll try to fix the network, which it does well. You do not have self start Windows debugger-diagnose ie ..

Information about the latest troubleshooting, does not tell me anything at all. Is this normal? Why do so many Tx try?

Connection mode: Infra
Förassociation and Association
Connection Settings from the hardware manufacturer (IHV): No
Security Settings from the hardware manufacturer (IHV): No
profile matches network requirements: Successfully
Förassociationsstatus: Succeeded
Association Status: Successful
Last Access Point: 58-98-35-7a-04-c7
Security and Authentication
Configured security type: WPA2-PSK
Configured encryption type: CCMP (AES)
802.1X protocol: No
Key exchange initiated: Yes
Received Unicast Key: Yes
Received multicast Key: Yes
Messages safety package: 0
Number of sent security package: 0
Status of the safety study: Succeeded
Successful unicast decryption: 0
Multicast decryption was successful: 0
Unicast decryption failed: 0
Multicast decryption failed: 0
The reception was successful: 1728
Reception failed: 26060
The transfer was successful: 884
Transmission failed: 24
Tx retries: 144
Multiple Tx retries: 64
The maximum lifetime of Tx expires: 0
Roaming History: 3 Objects
Number of times: 2015-04-18 19: 58: 49-109
Roamad from BSSID: 58- 98-35-7a-04-c7
Reason: 0×00010002
Number of times: 2015-04-18 19: 38: 56-247
Roamad from BSSID: 58-98-35-7a-04-c7
Cause: 0×00010002
Number of times: 2015-04-18 19: 38: 49-106
Roamad from BSSID: 58- 98-35-7a-04-c7
Reason: 0×00010002


Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Overall picture of the company’s IT – Business World

Computers, servers, network equipment, databases, applications. In a large organization’s hardware and software so it enough. A new tool provides quick and detailed overview that saves both time and money.

For the IT department may be difficult to have full track of all hardware and software at a company. InfraSight Labs has developed a smart software that shows exactly how the IT infrastructure looks and gives suggestions on how to improve it.

Deloitte Stora Enso and Volvo IT is in its growing customer throng. After several years of technology development is the focus on increased sales.

Infra-Sight provides a fast and detailed overview. It entails a gain in time for the IT department.

– The map of the infrastructure can be done by hand, but often it is a moving target. We can provide a snapshot that shows which activities related systems that are affected by server hall’s various components and vice versa, says Magnus Andersson, CEO and co-founder of the company.

Competition comes mainly from IT suppliers’ own monitoring solutions.

– But they only work against each supplier technology. Our software gives you an overview of all, in one tool. Thanks to the overall picture, we can provide advice that is based on how things actually fit together.


Speedment put the turbo on the database – New Technology


Five years old Speedment have developed a method that allows existing databases 100,000 times faster. The trick is to a copy of the database is added to the internal memory in a tree structure.

– It makes it easy for the programmer to write super-fast applications says company president Carina Dreifeldt.

technology was developed to solve a pressing problem in the founders’ previous company, music service Chilirec. The service grew rapidly and thus the need for new servers. To avoid having to buy new hardware company developed a software that relieves databases through a smart way to mirror data in internal memory.

At first, sold the software as a service to a dozen Swedish companies. But after having presented the idea in the United States and met with huge interest released the software as open source Java developers worldwide.

– While We will present a corporate version that we charge for, says Carina Dreifeldt who divides his time between Gothenburg and the newly opened office in Palo Alto, United States.


The prosecutor’s IT Seizure: 600 000 email – Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet

After SvD Enterprise articles about SCA’s hunting trips and business aviation decided prosecutor Thomas Forsberg in late January to commence an investigation. The preliminary investigation applies primarily to giving and taking of bribes and misappropriation offense.

Forsberg has gone through the two inquiries about SCA presented last week. He calls their content for “meager” in comparison with the material available to the prosecutor’s disposal.

– What I’ve found, I think is pretty meaningless. It says, for example, nothing about what has taken place in different locations. We talk about that in some places had contact creation, but it mentions nothing in principle about what has before been on trips, for example, Kiev, London Olympics, says Forsberg.

What does your own materials in comparison to what you find in the investigations?

– I have so clear a lot of information.

As you will not find in the investigations?

– Yes, the material’s scant.

Forsberg has previously criticized the so-called independent review by Svante Forsberg and Johan Munck conducted. Above all, it is concluded that there are no grounds for claiming that bribery was committed he opposes.

– We have other resources as well. I have the opportunity to compulsorily acquire me the information which is confidential. This is particularly true opportunity for IT hardware.

The prosecutor has implemented and conducts the hearing of witnesses but the most extensive work is to go through the material from the IT-seizure carried out. The prosecutor has got over 600 000 e-mails to be examined.

– I’m not just directed to the SCA but I do not comment from the other places we have been given materials.

there is now a review of the e-mails in which the prosecutor uses special software to sift out interesting information.

The prosecutor has yet not kept any questioning of persons who in the future may be served on suspicion of crime . Thomas Forsberg has been difficult to say if and when it may be appropriate to notify any suspicion of SCA scandal.

– We work methodically and it remains a lot to look at.

It sounds like it will not happen until at least fall?

– Hard to say, it can change from one day to another. But I think there will not be served on persons suspected of summer, says Forsberg.

He does not yet if he will visit SCA’s Annual General Meeting in person.

– I have not really decided. Of course it would be interesting, it feels like it gets eventful event.


Monday, April 13, 2015

Everyone loved not Amiga –

When the little startup Hi-Toro from California realized that Mark went to be confused with the Japanese Toro lawnmower changed their name to something more friendly. The choice fell on the Spanish word for “female friend”, the Amiga.

At the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Chicago in June 1984 showed the Amiga up even a prototype of its new computer and the overall computer trade press were presented including the now legendary Boingdemot.

The stories differ greatly, but likely is that Boingdemot were displayed both winter and summer CES 1984 Winter version was very simple.

The computer – which at this time still was only a high interconnected circuit boards and completely lacked operating system, (really) keyboard and interface – called Lorraine CEO Dave Morse’s wife.

Lorraine showed off specifications nobody really dared believe in, and would cost only $ 1,500, impossible low for a home computer that placed contemporary IBM-PC in the corner. Add to that a palette of 4096 colors, built-in 5.25-inch floppy disk drive, built-in 300 bps modem and plenty of ports.

This sloppy hoptrådade pile of printed circuit board (with keyboard chassis made of wood!) signaled the end of Commodore’s plans to develop a personal computer based on its own CPU series.

To top it everything promised to the Amiga would be shipped in time for Christmas 84. The magazine Compute! wrote in his August numbers: “Lorraine was at the June CES whim unfinished prototype that was controlled from another external terminal. Getting Started production of less than half a year requires the input of Hercules dimensions and lots of money. “

Chief engineer Jay Miner and his companions on the Amiga lacked both muscle and money. Miner had previously worked at Atari who guarded Lorraine since the start of the project. Head of Atari was paradoxically exactly the same person who once founded Commodore, namely Jack Tramiel – who was fired shortly after the C64 was launched.

Somewhere in Amigas final negotiations with Tramiels Atari mingled Commodore of it all. The company added briskly up the millions of dollars needed to pick up a ready computer and bought out the Amigas debt to Atari.

That there was talk of begin to sell at Christmas 1984 understood all involved at this point.

In true Commodore spirit held it since the potential buyers and the media in ignorance. Christmas 1984 came and went – no Amiga was available, no notice was given.

What you really was doing was to scale down the prototype costly parts to something Commodore could sell to the promised prize. For example disappeared built-in modem, cartridge port and floppy station was replaced with a 3.5-inch variant.

Atari was, however, not idle but went on to develop a concept we started on. The result was the Atari 520ST, a computer model similar to the Amiga shown up years earlier. In the summer of 1985 was the production-ready – six months after the alleged project – and Atari was thus shelf-ready with a machine that could measure up to the Macintosh, but in color and at a third of the price.

Jack Tramiel put the final price to the consumer at $ 700 for an Atari 520ST, something no one thought that the Amiga could match – if it was released at all.

When the Amiga to end came out in late summer 1985, it had been almost three years since the media first heard of monster your PC.

Miami Vice
The computer” Lorraine “had a role in the TV series” Miami Vice “in October 1985. A coincidence? But no Amiga was included, but an IBM 5150th

In Sweden took it further. The Swedish newspaper Joystick writes in its August numbers 1986: “ST’n has a major advantage both in terms of software and pricing. But the Amiga is still a great machine even though we had a long wait for the finished product. Commodore has reduced the price in the United States with $ 500 in order to speed up the slow sales. The price cut should also be reflected in Sweden. But despite this price, it is an Atari 1040ST with 1 MB of RAM (1024K) cheaper than an Amiga with 256K! How will the Commodore cope with this pressure? “

In the same issue are also made an attempt at comparison between the three computers Atari 520ST, the Macintosh Plus and Amiga – and the latter gets big hair: “All three computers have many good qualities in different areas, but one thing is clear … the Atari ST computer provides the most for your money! An empty plinth for a new graphics chip as soon seated and ‘can do all the Amiga can’ muddies the picture does not … “

The first Amiga model was shipped with monitor, which of course raised the price. Equitable business model Amiga 500 was coupled either to a separate monitor or straight into a regular TV, just like the Commodore 64th

Amiga was a buggy history and gained a reputation for not fit in anywhere. Atari and Macintosh divided the private computer segment between them – the IBM PC was temporarily left behind and more and more renowned developers began to prophesy Amigas cases.

One of these Jeff Minter, founder of Llamasoft, and one of those days most renowned game developers. He called Amiga “expensive, only slightly more powerful than the Atari ST but very buggigare” and he was offended also that some software written in Amiga hardware-OS Kickstart 1.1 does not work on the upgrade Kickstart 1.2.

Though Chris Gray, creator of the classic puzzle game “Boulder Dash”, was hesitant. He was in Sweden in 1986 to promote his new play “Infiltrator”: “Macintosh will fare because it was the first on the market and because there are lots of software and accessories to it. Atari ST will achieve great success because of its low price. Amiga has, unfortunately, neither the one nor the other … “

Amiga was released to end with a price of about $ 1,500, which was then at far too high. Commodore had not much to set against the Atari ST and after a year reported that it only sold 50,000 Amigas in the home country the United States. Developers hesitated and Amiga was threatened.

Maybe the tale ended in 1987 with the demise of Amiga 1000 – as the first model, now called – when the company received Brainwave instead to release two new models.

It was then time for the more expensive model Amiga 2000 to make an entrance – and of course, the model we usually mean when we talk on the Amiga today, the Amiga 500. What happened to the computer is a completely different story …


Saturday, April 11, 2015

Wake on WAN – Network – Software – anonymous users – PC All

Wake on WAN – I can only assume that you have set up their router to get this to work?

Router: D-Link DIR 655

Motherboard: Asus Z97 Deluxe


Found this http: //www.smallnetb…lan-wake-on-wan

However, I would like more tips and explanations. :)


Wake on WAN – PC All

Wake on WAN – I can only assume that you have set up their router to get this to work?

Router: D-Link DIR 655

Motherboard: Asus Z97 Deluxe


Found this http: //www.smallnetb…lan-wake-on-wan

However, I would like more tips and explanations. :)


Thursday, April 9, 2015

Emojisarna get more skin colors in the new IOS – Today’s News









The illustrations used in texting and chatting has become more diversified – after the latest update to Apple’s software, you can choose from several skin tones when sending a smiley face or a “thumbs up”.






Figures used in texting and chatting has become more diversified – after the latest update to Apple’s software, you can choose from several skin tones when sending a smiley face or a “thumbs up”.

It was after protests from users that Apple last year promised to introduce symbols – emojisar – so they not only reflect white users.

The latest update IOS software for Apple products includes 300 new emojis the keyboard, writes Time Magazine


Now there’s faces and a “thumbs up” symbols with several different skin tones – but also for example, same-sex families.

The upgrade also includes the flags of 32 countries, and various bug fixes.

To get into the new emojisarna in your phone keypad, you need a software update to iOS 8.3. The pictures below show how:







Wednesday, April 8, 2015

More difficult for the police to intercept – Västerbotten Courier

Encrypted Internet-based VoIP services such as Skype and Viber makes it harder for the police to eavesdrop on people suspected of serious crimes. In addition, no legal basis for using the software necessary to decrypt, reports the Echo on Swedish Radio.

Although there are still “ways to go,” according to Anna Björkegren on Cybercrime Section of the Police National Operations Department (NOA ).

– all make a mistake sooner or later, and it also applies to criminals, she says to the news program.

She would not tell me exactly what alternative possibilities Police have. But the suspicions of certain serious crimes, the police may be permitted by the courts to bugging (bugs).


Friday, April 3, 2015

Wanted foreign investors – Västerbotten Courier

Umeå In order to attract foreign investors and create more businesses in Västerbotten want Regions Västerbotten start a multi-year EU project called Invest in Västerbotten IVB.

The Municipal Working Committee of Umeå decided on Tuesday to support the project and is investing nearly half a million dollars during the 2015th

Additionally reserved further approximately 1.5 million for the next three years of the project.

Total estimated project cost of SEK 13.5 million, half of which is sought from the EU.


Wednesday, April 1, 2015

US military uses unique Swedish software to reduce … – Mynewsdesk (press release)

US Navy, US Marine Corps, now uses software Opus Suite from Swedish Systecon for the extensive work to lower operating and maintenance costs of the fighter aircraft F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.

The F-35 project gave rise to big headlines in the US a few years ago when early estimates of life cycle cost of the entire project was estimated at over one trillion US dollars, ie, about 8 000 billion Swedish kronor. Subsequently, major efforts have been made to reduce both the price of the aircraft as the cost of operating and there will Systecon into the picture. The company’s software suite provides overview and detailed understanding of the factors that influence complex systems performance and costs over the entire life cycle, and then to optimize spare parts solutions, maintenance, resources and support organization.

Potential savings of tens of billion

The Pentagon established in 2013 a “Cost war room” where the US Navy, US Air Force and the US Marine Corps and prime contractors Lockheed Martin and Pratt and Whitney meet to identify cost-cutting measures. Since autumn 2014 uses where Systecon’s software Opus Suite to evaluate and optimize the balance between air production, maintenance and lifecycle costs. The project had unsuccessfully tried several other solutions on the market before it got stuck for Opus Suite.

Early analysis indicates potential savings of several tens of billion. US Navy Air Systems Command, which has primary responsibility for the maintenance of the F-35, recently bought a so-called Enterprise license for Opus Suite, which gives the entire organization access to the software. In addition to the F-35, Opus Suite to be used for optimization and simulation of logistics support for several other systems, such as F / A18 Super Hornet, H60 Blackhawks, CH53 and V22.

  • We are very excited about the impact that Opus Suite has received in the US Armed Forces. When the customer compared various alternatives were our software the only one who had the ability to model their complex problems, so we have a unique position in the market. I am convinced this will give ripples and look forward with great confidence to our continued presence in the US, says Robert Hell, CEO of Systecon AB.

In order to strengthen and clarify establishment in the United States have Systecon’s affiliates in the US since 2012, WPI Services, also switched to operate under the name Systecon North America

Opus Suite balances the F-35 program’s performance and lifecycle costs

Opus Suite is used in the project to model both the complex plane as the big multi-national organization for operation and maintenance. With simulation and cost analysis do you find out what factors are driving the cost and efficiency, and then optimizes them from a life cycle perspective. Opus Suite has been integrated as a computational engine in a solution called Joint Afford-probability model and provide both policy makers and modeling experts swift and concrete information on the effects of different suggestions for improvement or other project changes.

The use of Opus Suite F-35 program has meant that the boundaries of the system has been challenged and the tool has been proving their capacity to manage large, complex cases. F-35 will be available in three different versions and used by at least ten different countries with different operational scenarios and supply solutions over a long period.

Contact for more information:

Robert Hell, CEO, Systecon

Systecon AB

08,459 0771, 070 259 5600
