Sunday, August 30, 2015

Nya verktyg för utveckling av säkerhetskritisk programvara – Mynewsdesk (pressmeddelande)

The software that controls the security-critical systems are becoming increasingly complex and its development is time consuming. With the tool SafetyADD, developed by SP, use the security contract to automatically check the software components meet the safety requirements. In this way they can effectively and safely add, replace and reuse software components of a larger system, and simplify security audits and certification.

– The ideas behind SP’s security contract and SafetyADD has been used in customer projects. They will be further developed together with our customers and in future research, says Jonny Winter, deputy section chief for reliable systems at SP Technical Research Institute.

SafetyADD has been developed as part of the ARTEMIS project SafeCer (Safety Certification of Software-Intensive Systems with Reusable Components – with 27 partners from industry and researchers from Europe. Volvo Technology has coordinated.

For more information, contact:

Johnny Winter, SP Technical Research Institute, 010-516 53 59, jonny.vinter @

SP Technical Research Institute is a leading international agency group with approximately 1500 employees. We create value in collaboration and offer quality throughout the entire innovation chain, which is very important for industrial competitiveness and sustainable development. Read more on


Saturday, August 29, 2015

Apottidirektören: We did well – Hufvudstadsbladet

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Friday, August 28, 2015

Remote Desktop Pro vs Home Edition – PC All


I have been there quite a common problem of the pro vs home edition regarding Remote Desktop, the You can connect remotely from home edition to pro but not from the pro to the home edition.

Then I remembered that I actually solved that problem once when I had Win XP, I found a driver for the remote connection that I installed on my XP Home Edition, and then I could connect from my XP Pro computer.

Now, you can not find a so-called T on the Microsoft Download Center so I turn to you friends here on eforum instead, someone who knows where to find the drivers microsoft days?

imagine that I can install Win 7 Pro driver for remote access on my Win 7 Home Edition computer and make it work, but I’ll find the damn driver somewhere.

Have been sitting for hours and tried googling for the driver, searched the microsoft but I will not even close, the only thing that pops up is something to remotely connect printers and instructions on how to connect.

Any soul who can help?

Best wishes


Monday, August 24, 2015

We have to start paying the bill for our mobile phones –

The big question is, how we will meet the demands of more and more computing power, & amp; nbsp; while we must limit our electricity consumption, says Efrain Zenteno, researchers at the University of Gävle.

We & amp; nbsp; live in a time when we require more and more computing power. We have become accustomed to & amp; nbsp; to talk unlimited and even watching video footage of our & amp; nbsp; mobile phones. This means a huge need for data traffic for wireless communication.

Linked to this are another seemingly contradictory requirements, which is very stressful for today’s world. The need to reduce electricity consumption.

– Both are needed, but we must start paying the bill for our mobile phones. We need to develop more effective techniques and do it & amp; nbsp; possible to use green electricity, says Efrain Zenteno.

We also want cheaper and cheaper technology. Better TV at a much lower price, faster and cheaper mobile telephony. This has also become a matter of justice when so many more people now have access to wireless data services.

– In many places, this is considered as a human right, level with the right to speak freely. The idea is to have a very inexpensive technology that can & amp; nbsp; used by all people.

– The problem is that such low-cost technologies have a tendency to not be perfect, it can mean poor image / bad coverage and more.

– We can now show that there exist several techniques that would allow the use of small cheap, powerful computers to these errors generated by cheap software.

The computers have become so much cheaper and more powerful, they double their capacity on a regular basis.

– This will help others to develop systems that are very cheap and also effective.

The study is not limited to only mobile communications, theoretically match multiple technologies. Therefore, the satellite technology studied in the same way as a wireless mobile communication.

Here it is how to increase the satellites life and reduce their energy consumption. And how to get into more TV channels in the satellites. The satellites are technically interesting because they are very specific.

They use not so much energy because they operate with a digital signal that is not as energy intensive. The mobile wireless traffic however, must transmit an analog signal to the transmitters / antennas, and this costs a lot of energy.

– It is extremely expensive to transmit and operate satellites. So anything that can be done to maximize their lifespan and usage becomes truly profitable.

– Satellites have no energy resources in addition to those they had with them, they have to live with what they have.

This is a huge area of ​​research in which scientists worldwide are trying to reach the same goal. All the time you can see research papers containing small steps in the direction of more mature systems.

My contribution is such a small step on the road says Efrain Zenteno.

Efrain Efrain Zentenokommer from Arequipa, a city in southern Peru near the border with Chile.

– much hotter than here, even though Arequipa lies at an altitude of 2400 meters above sea level.

Förmånga years ago, he came to the University Gävle as an exchange student. Home university at the time, a collaboration with the University of Gävle. It was 2006, and he read as a master in electronics.

– My brother had been studying in Canada, but I am the first in our family to go so far. Sweden is not a common destination for students in Peru.

– It has been an amazing experience for me to study at the University of Gävle, but also to gain an insight into how society works Sweden.

He feels that Sweden has come a long way in development and that everyone is given a chance to contribute to society’s development. One example in many places in the world should try to follow.

– Sweden is always in the top in terms of the willingness to embrace and adopt new technology, even compared to the US. And this I think is a big reason why Sweden has reached a leading position in technology development.

I believe you were first with 4G and you are so talented engineers who are also good at bringing out the technology to an interested & amp; nbsp; general.

– In the future I want to continue to develop and disseminate my research. I will look for me there, where the possibility exists.

Efrain Zentano defended his thesis external link, opens in new window Digital Compensation Techniques for Transmitters inWireless Communications Networks at KTH on 15 June.


Thursday, August 20, 2015

We have to start paying the bill for our mobile phones –

The big question is, how we will meet the demands of more and more computing power, & amp; nbsp; while we must limit our electricity consumption, says Efrain Zenteno, researchers at the University of Gävle.

We & amp; nbsp; live in a time when we require more and more computing power. We have become accustomed to & amp; nbsp; to talk unlimited and even watching video footage of our & amp; nbsp; mobile phones. This means a huge need for data traffic for wireless communication.

Linked to this are another seemingly contradictory requirements, which is very stressful for today’s world. The need to reduce electricity consumption.

– Both are needed, but we must start paying the bill for our mobile phones. We need to develop more effective techniques and do it & amp; nbsp; possible to use green electricity, says Efrain Zenteno.

We also want cheaper and cheaper technology. Better TV at a much lower price, faster and cheaper mobile telephony. This has also become a matter of justice when so many more people now have access to wireless data services.

– In many places, this is considered as a human right, level with the right to speak freely. The idea is to have a very inexpensive technology that can & amp; nbsp; used by all people.

– The problem is that such low-cost technologies have a tendency to not be perfect, it can mean poor image / bad coverage and more.

– We can now show that there exist several techniques that would allow the use of small cheap, powerful computers to these errors generated by cheap software.

The computers have become so much cheaper and more powerful, they double their capacity on a regular basis.

– This will help others to develop systems that are very cheap and also effective.

The study is not limited to only mobile communications, theoretically match multiple technologies. Therefore, the satellite technology studied in the same way as a wireless mobile communication.

Here it is how to increase the satellites life and reduce their energy consumption. And how to get into more TV channels in the satellites. The satellites are technically interesting because they are very specific.

They use not so much energy because they operate with a digital signal that is not as energy intensive. The mobile wireless traffic however, must transmit an analog signal to the transmitters / antennas, and this costs a lot of energy.

– It is extremely expensive to transmit and operate satellites. So anything that can be done to maximize their lifespan and usage becomes truly profitable.

– Satellites have no energy resources in addition to those they had with them, they have to live with what they have.

This is a huge area of ​​research in which scientists worldwide are trying to reach the same goal. All the time you can see research papers containing small steps in the direction of more mature systems.

My contribution is such a small step on the road says Efrain Zenteno.

Efrain Efrain Zentenokommer from Arequipa, a city in southern Peru near the border with Chile.

– much hotter than here, even though Arequipa lies at an altitude of 2400 meters above sea level.

Förmånga years ago, he came to the University Gävle as an exchange student. Home university at the time, a collaboration with the University of Gävle. It was 2006, and he read as a master in electronics.

– My brother had been studying in Canada, but I am the first in our family to go so far. Sweden is not a common destination for students in Peru.

– It has been an amazing experience for me to study at the University of Gävle, but also to gain an insight into how society works Sweden.

He feels that Sweden has come a long way in development and that everyone is given a chance to contribute to society’s development. One example in many places in the world should try to follow.

– Sweden is always in the top in terms of the willingness to embrace and adopt new technology, even compared to the US. And this I think is a big reason why Sweden has reached a leading position in technology development.

I believe you were first with 4G and you are so talented engineers who are also good at bringing out the technology to an interested & amp; nbsp; general.

– In the future I want to continue to develop and disseminate my research. I will look for me there, where the possibility exists.

Efrain Zentano defended his thesis external link, opens in new window Digital Compensation Techniques for Transmitters inWireless Communications Networks at KTH on 15 June.


New tools for the development of safety critical software – Mynewsdesk (press release)

The software that controls the security-critical systems are becoming increasingly complex, and the development is time consuming. With the tool SafetyADD, developed by SP, use the security contract to automatically check the software components meet the safety requirements. In this way one can effectively and safely add, replace and reuse software components of a larger system, and simplify security audits and certification.

– The ideas behind SP’s security contract and SafetyADD has been used in customer projects. They will be further developed together with our customers and in future research, says Jonny Winter, deputy section chief for reliable systems at SP Technical Research Institute.

SafetyADD has been developed as part of the ARTEMIS project SafeCer (Safety Certification of Software-Intensive Systems with Reusable Components – with 27 partners from industry and researchers from Europe. Volvo Technology has coordinated.

For more information, contact:

Johnny Winter, SP Technical Research Institute, 010-516 53 59, jonny.vinter @

SP Technical Research Institute is a leading international agency group with approximately 1500 employees. We create value in collaboration and offer quality throughout the entire innovation chain, which is very important for industrial competitiveness and sustainable development. Read more on


Monday, August 17, 2015

ABB wins orders Maersk Line, partnered with Dutch company – Dagens Industri

ABB wins orders Maersk Line, partnered with Dutch company

                  2015-08-17 13:20

 (SIX) ABB has together with the Dutch  forecast now MeteoGroup UK signed an order for software to  140 container ships that will optimize the route for ships.       It is clear from a press release.       "Both MeteoGroup UK and ABB is proud to deliver a  consultative tools to the world's largest container shipping company. This  will help Maersk to conduct safe and efficient transport  worldwide ", says Heikki Soljama, head of ABB's business  Marine and Ports.      Gabriel Cardona Cervantes  mailto:  www.blogg.six.seSIXNews  SIX News 


Friday, August 14, 2015

Sources: Russian cybersecurity sixth fake malicious software – Today’s News









The Russian IT security giant Kaspersky Lab accused of having faked malware. The aim should have been to destroy rivals like Microsoft and acquire more customers, writes Reuters.






The Russian IT security giant Kaspersky Lab accused of having faked malware. The aim should have been to destroy rivals like Microsoft and acquire more customers, writes Reuters.

Moscow-based Kaspersky Lab is one of the largest IT security companies in the world. Now, say two former employees of the Reuters news agency that the company for over a decade to have dedicated itself to destroy their competitors.

The staff will occasionally have spent weeks or months at a project that alone was to sabotage IT giants such as Microsoft, AVG Technologies and Avast Software. The main task was to get the rivals virus software figuring harmless files as dangerous, with the consequence that critical files were deleted on customers’ computers.


Some of the attacks must have been ordered by Eugene Kaspersky, co-founder of Kaspersky Lab, who felt that smaller rivals mimicked his software instead of developing their own programs – and wanted revenge.

– Eugene felt that it was theft, says one of the former employees of Reuters.

But the purpose should also have been cutting the market share, since the sabotage not only injured rivals but also the users’ computers.

Kaspersky Lab deny precisely the data.

“Our company has never made any secret campaign to lure competitors to generate false positives Answers to damage their position in the market. Such actions are unethical, dishonest and legality can at least say that the question “, said the company in a statement, according to Reuters.

Microsoft, AVG Technologies and Avast Software has previously stated that an unknown party attempted to induce false positive answers the recent years, but would not comment on the accusations that are now directed against the Russian company.

The last 15 years has become easier to implement this kind of fraud, as cyber-security companies have been more likely to share information with each other as the number of malicious programs has increased. The information exchange allows new viruses faster can be identified, but at the same time, companies can take part in the work of others without their having to find malicious files.

2010 complained Kaspersky Lab on copycats and called for greater respect for intellectual property.

Kaspersky Lab enjoys great respect among IT security companies for their knowledge of computer worm Stuxnet that sabotaged Iran’s nuclear program as well as for its insights into sophisticated Western spyware.

Read more: Big cyber banking coup gave billions

Learn more: The United States accused the new spyware






Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Pilots: porta drones with virtual fences – New Technology


Incidents with drones near airports is increasingly common, even in Sweden. Now we want the European Pilot Association ECA, the European Cockpit Association, make tougher demands on the small unmanned air craft.

The proposals include a maximum weight 500 grams, a maximum altitude of 50 meters and the spacecraft automatically avoid sensitive areas using virtual fences, so-called geo-fencing. The pilots also want the drone should have a marking and registration that makes it possible to trace the driver.

Kim Mortensen, chairman of the Swedish drönarföretagens association UAS Sweden, find that the requirements are excessive and unnecessary.

– It is pure stigma of unmanned aerial vehicles. In law, it is already clear what is what. The problem is that some hobby aviators do not follow the rules and flies too close to the airport, he said.

The debate on air safety and the drone makes him worried since it risks giving the entire industry a bad reputation. It also affects companies that use drones professionally for various services. To take stock of agricultural photograph buildings and monitor herds for example.

At the same time, he has an understanding of the pilots’ concerns.

– Sales of drones is explosive, and many drivers do not know the rules. I think vendors should send the information in the same way as when selling fireworks, says Kim Mortensen.

He also welcomes that there are now major hobby drone that can not be started near an airport, thanks to software in the control board.

UAS Sweden was formed in February this year and has some 30 members. More than 1,000 people work professionally with drones in Sweden today, according to the association.


Friday, August 7, 2015

Ad Blocker-bomb – this is the next big horror scenario for the sites – Breakit (press release)

As more and more hours spent on the Internet rather than in front of the TV advertising money moving also to the network. According to a recent study published in the Wall Street Journal increasing money in Internet advertising by nearly 20 percent in the international market. There are also online a troubled newspapers have the chance to bring in money.

But what happens when software that blocks ads preventing advertising from appearing?

The same survey shows that Sweden is country in the world where most uses so-called ad-blockers, which stop advertising banners from appearing. A third of all ad impressions on Swedish Devices blocked.

This is comparable to the US where only 6 percent of all Internet users bothered to install any blockage.

With the new operativsystmet ios9 it is expected to be even easier to install such advertisement blocks.

Mattsson and Helin’s latest podcast took Expressen’s managing editor Thomas Mattsson and Aftonbladet editor Jan Helin up precisely the problem with what they called the “Ad Block-bomb” and the problems it creates problems for Swedish newspapers and news sites. January Helin called it a “true horror”.

“Ad blockers is now a growing problem that needs to be managed. One way could be, if one is radical, that when those users that use ad-blockers are entering the site will send you an answer to them ‘hey, we are seeing that you use ad-blockers. Welcome to our payment service that costs a lot here ” said Jan Helin.

He then continued by saying that there is someone who dares to act so today for fear of losing visitors. At the same time, he questioned what the value of a user who does not want neither the ads or paid service.

Thomas Mattsson think it is perfectly reasonable that there are ads on a site, but perhaps not in the most disturbing way it has become in recent years.

“The advertising in newspapers has not begun to play sounds that you have not asked them, has not been in front of newspaper articles which have made the newspaper articles impossible to read. And it has not been so high ad packing density that it has been difficult to find journalism. So the user experience is of course not optimal in any of the major media sites that have ads. It will not only be able to say that now you get beautifully paying or accepting the situation as it is. We are medietag probably had to work a little more on the user experience, “said Thomas Mattsson.

According to a study published in Adweek are far fewer people who choose to install a blockage in his phone than the computer. So it is smarter to advertise on mobile phones if the company wants to be sure of getting their message across.

Another way is to get around the problem is to use the software, which in turn blocks the ad blockers. Companies Page Fair, Secret Media and Source Point United States earns good at companies that want their ads to appear, regardless of the applications the user has installed. Meanwhile, companies such as German EYEO creating ad blocking to be more and more donations and downloads.

Neither Thomas Mattsson or Jan Helin seem to be interested in engaging in the cat and mouse game going on in the software behind the scenes of the advertising market. Instead, they think of investing in a solution corresponding Spotify or a way to make the ads more interesting without it completely becomes content marketing.

“The old idea of ​​pushing advertising completely fuckar up the user experience, it will not gonna work … if you make a mess down a site so that it looks like a Christmas tree and so is there any news in the middle, over time, it is not a good way to communicate with anyone. It is not a good news experience and it is not good for those who have put a lot of money appear near it if there are committing violence on the news experience … Advertising has a huge task ahead to find an address and locate a user experience and publishing platforms makes people actually want to take part of these messages, “said Jan Helin.


Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Windows 10 – is now available as a free upgrade – Orebro Tribune

Microsoft Corp. announced that Windows 10 is now available as a free upgrade for existing users or new PCs and tablets.

Windows 10 includes innovations and news as Cortana, an Xbox app and the new browser, Microsoft Edge, for a simple, personalized and more productive experience.

Windows 10, the most secure Windows ever, and delivered as a service that automatically keeps itself updated with the latest innovations and security updates.

Windows 10 provides users with a unified experience of the operating system and will be available over a range of devices including PCs, tablets, phones, Raspberry Pi, the Xbox One, HoloLens others – and has already been tested on over 2000 devices and configurations.

Microsoft also announced a new Windows Store and the Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) is available from Wednesday, July 29, opening the door to innovative new app experiences on Windows 10.

The launch of Windows 10 is celebrated together with people from all over the world and it held special celebrations in 13 countries, while initiating a year-long initiative to honor individuals and organizations that make a difference in the world.

Microsoft urges people to engage around to upgrading to Windows 10 by sharing how they want to change the world in the hashtag #UpgradeYourWorld .

Microsoft also invites his fans to vote for the global nonprofit organization they like to receive a donation from Microsoft in connection with the launch. By tag #UpgradeYourWorld and #Vote on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter.

More information #UpgradeYourWorld initiative is

“A new era of Windows begins today. From the outset, Windows 10 was unique – by being built up from feedback from over 5 million users by, delivered as a service instead of a license, and by being offered as a free upgrade, “said Terry Myerson, Executive Vice President Windows and Devices Group at Microsoft.

“Windows 10 builds on our vision of a more personalized technology experience, with a natural, mobile and secure feeling throughout.

Together with our partners, we are pleased to present the best Windows ever. A Windows that will give people and organizations around the world the tools to create, change and do incredible things. “, Said Terry Myerson.

Windows 10 – The best Windows ever
Windows 10 is fast, simple and easy to use – the Windows 10 Start menu, back and Live Panels (Live Tiles) makes it easy for the user to get information about what is important.

Windows 10 is the most secure Windows that Microsoft has ever released. Improvements in Windows Defender and SmartScreen helps users protect themselves against viruses, malware and phishing. And innovations like the new Microsoft hello [3], making it possible to log on to their device quickly, safely and password freely.

With Windows 10 it is also easy to keep their PC, tablet and phone updated with the latest version, as updates are free of charge and takes place automatically during the entire life of the unit.

Windows 10 is more personal and helps you be more productive – by voice, pen and recognition of gestures – for a more natural interaction between the user and the PC. Windows 10 is designed to work perfectly with Office and Skype and makes it possible to quickly switch between applications and programs. Snap and Task View makes it easy to stay organized.

Windows 10 offers the user many new and innovative technology experiences.
Cortana – A personal digital assistant that makes it easy to search and find the right information at the right time.

Microsoft Edge – a new browser that quickly and easily lets you browse, read, select and share things from the web.

Xbox app – an integrated Xbox app delivers the Xbox experience to Windows 10 – that makes it possible to work together with friends to play games on the Xbox and Windows 10 devices.

The Continuum optimizes applications and user experience between the touch and the desktop.
Built-in apps including Photos, Maps, Microsoft new music app, Groove and Movies & amp; TV offering entertainment. With OneDrive files can be easily shared and kept up to date on all your devices.

Microsoft Phone Companion app (Phone Assistant) – allows iPhone, Android and Windows phones work seamlessly with other Windows 10 devices.

Completely new Office Mobile apps for tablets with Windows 10 is from today available through the Windows Store. [4] The apps are designed for you to work where you are, even on the move. Programs such as Word, Excel and PowerPoint provides a consistent experience with touch functions. And with OneNote app pre-installed on Windows 10, it’s easy to take notes on the go. With the upcoming release of Office (Office 2016), we provide our largest set of applications and features to create professional content such as text and presentations. Built for accuracy with keyboard and mouse, and optimized for notebook PCs, 2-in-1 Surface Pro 3, and devices with large screen.

Start – Start Menu and Taskbar lets you quickly access the tools and programs you need. They also feels fast again and are easy to understand whether you are upgrading from Windows 7 or Windows 8th

Windows 10 – the best platform for business
Feedback from millions IT professionals have shaped windows 10, our hardest so far tested version of Windows ever. Windows 10 will be ready for use by companies and their employees and will help companies protect themselves against modern cyber attacks, delivering an experience of technology that employees will love, while Windows 10 enables new innovations with a platform that keeps the company updated with the latest technology.

Companies will also have the ability to control how often they receive updates and customize the features that are right for different groups of employees.

Windows 10 has built-in security of the highest class that make it is possible for companies to replace passwords with more secure solutions to protect corporate data and corporate identities, and just run the software they rely on.

The new management and deployment tool also makes it possible for companies to reduce costs, and operate its business with the strength of Microsoft’s cloud platform Microsoft Azure.

new apps in Windows 10
Microsoft’s new Windows Store will open on Wednesday in connection with the release of Windows 10 and have already begun to accept new apps developed for Windows 10. Windows Store collects all the popular free and paid apps, games, movies, TV programs and the latest music, the one place that works on all devices running Windows 10th

All content in the Windows Store is certified by Microsoft to keep the user’s PC, tablet and other devices secure. Windows Store also previously apps for Windows 8.1, such as Netflix,, Flipboard, The Weather Channel and “Asphalt 8: Airborne”. In the Windows Store offers a constant stream of new and updated Universal Windows apps such as: Twitter, “Minecraft: Windows 10 Edition beta”, Hulu, iHeartRadio, USA TODAY, “Candy Crush Saga” and soon WeChat, QQ and many more [5].

Easy to upgrade, now available
Upgrading to Windows 10 is easy for users who currently have Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 on their PC or tablet . Starting Wednesday, July 29, those who reserved their upgrade to Windows 10. To be notified when their upgrade is ready to be installed, which will be done gradually starting on launch day.

For business there Windows 10 ready to begin the upgrade, and starting August 1, organizations that have volume licensing begin to upgrade their devices to Windows 10 Enterprise and Windows 10 Education.

Our partners in retail is now ready to help people upgrade to Windows 10, which is possible with nearly 100,000 trained dealers and tens of thousands of stores around the world. Our upgrade program is available from the 29th of July and the software for Windows 10 will be generally available in the shops from mid-August to September worldwide.

Devices that are already running Windows 10 will be available in some stores the 29 July, but many more will be delivered to stores in the coming weeks and months.

We have also worked closely with our dealers to introduce utility that helps users to upgrade their Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 to Windows 10. This means there are at retailers such as – Best Buy, Bic Camera, Croma, Currys / PC World, Darty, Elkjøp, Fnac, Jarrir, Incredible Connection, Media Markt, Staples, Yamada Denki, Yodobashi, and many more.
