Thursday, May 14, 2015

Social Services System reported – threaten legal certainty – Computer Sweden

medical record
Medical notes, decisions and investigations improperly deleted. A person at risk of wrongly convicted in court after the wrong social security number used in a search without system discovered it. Another person had to wait two weeks for security alarms for those who would get the order did not see it. These are some of the problems that the municipality’s quality developers discovered at a Lex Sarah-inquiry Nacka Värmdö item taken note of. Therefore, the municipality is now a notification to the Agency for Health Care.

The shortcomings in the system depends on various things under investigation. Bugs is one aspect of the problem – if a bug corrected in one place so it can pop up in another.

According to the investigator’s is that the company pulse who developed the Combine lacks holistic approach. But it’s also on misuse which in turn is due to lack of support. For example, there have been that administrators find it so difficult to work in the system, they instead used the Word, and it is not right for sure. And in home care, it is common that the staff round the system.

– We must often verbal orders from the municipal officers because they say that the system is too complicated. I do not think it right for sure, says Jonas Törnqvist, CEO of Annelis Hemtjänst Team Nacka Värmdö Post.

He welcomes notification.

– I before experienced that they could not back down, because they put a lot of money on this.

From the municipality Page emphasizes that it is strange that none of the other 20 municipalities made a notification even though they should come across similar shortcomings.

– There will to take several years before all feel that we can be this and that everything works smoothly. Business systems within social services is extremely complicated, says Social Director Anders Fredriksson.

Anders Heland that , business area manager at pulse points out that most of the shortcomings is due to new working methods. He says to Nacka Värmdö Post that the project is run and managed by the municipality of Nacka.

– We are software, support and management, he said.

Read more:
Social is waiting for its IT support
Several municipalities in the Stockholm area jumping off


Combineprojektet started following a joint procurement of Nacka, Täby and Upplands Väsby in 2007. The aim was to get a modern support for social services and elderly care and to get out of old systems. Some twenty other municipalities signed the option agreement. The first deadline for the system’s final delivery was in 2009 but it was severely delayed. 2011 slowed the project of the three Development municipalities and it became a major tie-back with a new organization and a new deadline 2012-2013.
 Still in 2013 defined it as a high-risk projects of social services in Nacka and had not yet been implemented. During the past year, the system has been introduced in both elderly care and social services.


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