Thursday, March 3, 2016

Ötzi died 5300 years ago – are now talking – Expressen

The Iceman Ötzi has been dead for around 5300 years.

Since then he has not got a word in edgeways.

But now hopes Italian researchers to recreate his voice, writes CNN.

It’s been 5300 years since the prehistoric man Ötzi drew his last breath. In 1991 he was found in a glacier in the Italian Alps. Since then, his mummified body could tell you a lot about his living conditions and his contemporaries.

But now researchers hope that they will get the chance to hear Ötzi himself, writes CNN.

– If around a year we should be able to find Ötziz voice, or at least re-create the best possible estimate of his voice, said one of those involved in the project, Francesco Avanzini, told CNN.

have made a model

to recreate Ötzis voice, the researchers used the CT scan. They are based on X-ray images are then able to build up a model of Ötzis mouth and vocal cords. With the help of a special software and the model can then go to recreate the 5300-year-old man’s voice.

When scientists do not know the language Ötzi spoke, they will not be able to recreate his way of communicating. The voice that researchers receive up will only consist of vowel and consonant sounds maybe.

Located in the difficult position

The researchers have already encountered some problems. Because of Ötzis mummification was for example not clear how his tissue affected his voice. In addition Ötzis locked position it harder for scientists to study him. One of his arms covering namely his throat.

But despite this, the researchers hope that they can come to have a first result within a few months. The final voice they hope to hear within a year.

– We would like to create a digital file, so that visitors to the museum can hear ismannens voice, says Francesco Avanzini to CNN.


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