Saturday, July 11, 2015

The Internet continues to fuss at Öresundstågen | Kvällsposten – Express – Express

2012 installed Öresundstågen Internet on trains.

Three years later, it is still unable to connect to any network.

– Right now, about 40 of our 109 trains a working software, says Gustav Sande, which is the vehicle charge on the Öresund trains, to Swedish Radio .

Sometimes, there is the internet, and sometimes there is not. Some times it is possible to connect to it – but most times it is not.

When Öresundstågen 2010 launched that they would install the Internet on their trains saw many commuters and other travelers forward to being able to browse the network.

But when all trains had internet access in 2012, showed that most still had not. The connection was not as good as many, including the Öresund trains himself, imagined.

It can not connect to networks although signal strength looks to be good.

– Right now about 40 of our 109 trains a working software. But we are working together with a more long-term idea, says Gustav Sande.

Gusav Sande continues to tell you that the negotiating disputes between the Danish and Swedish ISPs to put spokes in the wheel. But a solution is approaching.

Öresundstågen have daily thousands passengers.

And some people, like Swedish Radio has spoken to, is critical to being unable to connect to the network .

One of them pressed that it belongs to the modern era that there is wifi to connect to the trains.

– In 2015, it feels like a natural to have access to the Internet, especially when you get pressured to take public transport to work or school, says a traveler who is studying in Växjö to the radio.

After all rail passengers who choose to travel on Öresund trains have access to the Internet is unclear. Gustav Sande do not know when it can connect to trains wifi.

The Öresund trains also writes on his website about the internet problem.


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