Saturday, March 21, 2015

Amazon gets permission for drönartest – New Technology


The requirements of the FAA are relatively strict. Amazon flights must be below 120 meters altitude in the daytime in good visibility. The drone will always be within sight of the pilot must have a private pilot’s license and a current medical certificate.

In addition, Amazon submit monthly reports to the FAA with data on the number of flights, the pilot’s flight time on each flight, unusual problems with hardware and software, deviations from air traffic instructions and unexpected interruption in communication with the drone.

Amazon unveiled plans at Prime Air in December 2013 and then spoke about a range of drones at 16 km and a payload capacity of 2.2 kg.

The idea was, however, appear to be difficult to carry out when the FAA in February 2015 released the first regulations for commercial flight of drones in the US. The primary reasons were a requirement that the pilot must have the drone in sight, making deliveries of packages practically impossible.

In addition, the rules contained a prohibition to relinquish load.

FAA regulations apply, however, drones up to 25 kg, and the authority has given a opening for other rules for micro-drones that weigh no more than two kg.

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