Sunday, February 22, 2015

WiFi logger desired – PC All

put the question in another forum but where I called for applications for Android.

Have searched and tried a Some apps but have not (yet) made a search on the program for Linux, OS X, or Windows.

Want thus have a program that controls the WiFi network in terms of “connectivity”.

A log that either shows a trend curve if the network has been “up” or not.

Alternatively, someone who only logs when the network is “down”.

Do not need to keep track of signal strength, channel, other networks, etc.

The reason is that some devices are constantly dropping, and regains, connection to the network while this is not shown in some other devices.

I do not just reboot the router or switch channels etc. and take a chance that the problem ceases.

We have “proof” that it either is, or is not, the network / router that is malfunctioning.

Ideally, for free of course, but a 15-day Trial of something really good program would surely also work.


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