Sunday, February 22, 2015

“He said he was a monster” – Swedish Radio

Police forensic Åke Östberg testify to what it looked like when police forensic scientists came to the scene and found the 24-year-old toddlers the mother’s body.

The highly seasoned police report that the apartment was clinically cleaned and he describes cutting and well executed. One detail that gets people in the courtroom wince.

On the coffee table next to where the man and the woman remained to sleep also found a note with the text “this guys is about to die”. A patch according to the 28-year-old man is a title of a work of art he planned and that the patch happened to be right there was just a coincidence.

The 28-year-old gets very involved when he responds in detail in the questions put to him about the artwork.

When the police technicians go on to tell of pieces Association executive shaking 28-year-old uncontrollably and holding his hand to his mouth. He snorts loudly and shakes his head when police state that each mixture implementing suggest that those who implemented it has knowledge of the cuts.

Cutting is a word that 28-year-old did not use the incident, he has always used expressions “treatment” and “worked” when he talks about cutting process.


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