Saturday, January 9, 2016

ArkivDigital takes giant leap into the future – Helsingborgs Dagblad

Description: Roland Classon

Published January 7, 2016 • Updated January 8, 2016

Mikael Karlsson

Mikael Karlsson, CEO of Digital Archive, which supplies digital color images online. PHOTO: Kerstin Gustavsson

There are a number of tools for anyone who is looking for his roots. A company that invests in genealogists’s Digital Archive, which now releases more news.

There are many who wonder. And there are many who yearn. Now, Archive Digital’s CEO, Mikael Karlsson clear message: register for the Swedish population in 1950 and Sweden’s population in 1960 will be published in 2016, hopefully before the summer.
– Right now we are involved in quality assurance, it takes a lot of control work so that everything is correct. We also work with a completely new software which will eventually contain a host of new features that will lay the foundation for good searchability. We take a great leap into the future, there is an enormous investment, said Mikael Karlsson, who controls the company from its headquarters in Lyrestad outside Mariestad.

Archive Digital launched Ten years ago by including Mikael Karlsson (born 1971), who is an avid genealogist, saw that there was a great need to access information from church records online – in color.
It took some time, but ArkivDigital now become a success story, a company that is constantly growing and delivers color images of original archival sources online at a furious pace.
– We publish over 600 000 new images every month. We have about 58 million images online, which represents 116,000 photographed pages.
ArkivDigital digitize historical materials, including the Swedish church records, probate, military material and court records in color. There is also the prison documents, tax records, documents from the Second World War and many other things that the researcher has the pleasure of.

Now it’s data from 1950 to 1960 should be brought to light.
– For Sweden’s population in 1950 is about 7 million people and the Swedish population in 1960 will be 7.5 million persons searchable. It will be really good, says Mikael Karlsson.
What we know is the name, when the person is born and in which the Assembly, marital status, occupation, military service number, where the person was registered for census and address.
– The You can also see people in the same household. There will also be a link to the födelsebok where the person is registered and where to find the birth of the notice, says Mikael Karlsson.
ArkivDigital releases 1950 population first, then published the 1960 population.

The digital images available in ArkivDigital online. One year subscription will cost 1295 SEK, but there are also other variants of the subscription. You can also do research for free on various archives in the research labs and the local genealogical societies.
Another novelty is that the Digital Archive will publish a searchable register of parish registers and parish books for 1880-1920 with links to the original pages. There are around 50 million records.
– We aim constantly evolving. We have built up an effective organization, a good mix of employees across the country. We have the resources we need, says Mikael Karlsson.

He predicts a good future genealogy researchers:
– interest is growing all the time, not least because several TV program on genealogy, partly thanks to Christopher O’Regan and the series “It’s in the walls.” There are many who now acquire the knowledge of how to use archival documents.

Yes, genealogists (and others who are interested in history), it has a good shape, thanks also to the National Archives and Sweden Släktforskarförbund. Previously there namely CDs / DVDs for the Swedish population in 1880, 1890, 1900, 1910, 1970, 1980 and 1990. And not only that: in 2018 gives the National Archives released the DVD of the Swedish population in 1930. And for those who want to know more Sweden is located dödbok 1901-2013 and buried in Sweden II containing data on 6.4 million people.

Facts Archives Digital
ArkivDigital AD AB is the largest Swedish family history company digitizing historical source material in color with the latest technology, providing images via Internet to historians, genealogical and local history researchers and others.
Archive Digital was founded in 2005 and has 37 employees.
CEO of ArkivDigital AD AB, Mikael Karlsson. Headquartered in Lyrestad (Mariestad), Västra Götaland. The Board consists of Jan Aronson (Chairman), Håkan Skogsjö and Paul Johansson. Niklas Hertzman holding courses and lectures.
ArkivDigital has received the Gazelle award for three consecutive years (2015), a prize awarded by the newspaper Dagens Industri, Sweden’s fastest growing companies.

Roland Classon

Published 2016-01-07

Read more:

Archive Digital

Genealogy Helsingborgs Dagblad



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