A USTIN, Texas. Kelly, known as one of the world’s top tech journalists and technology magazine Wired first managing editor, begins his speech by revealing that the title is too good to be true. He’ll just tell you about three of the twelve points he promised. Want to know the other nine will buy his new book, which is not released yet. A collective 2,000-man sigh heard in the conference room.
– Very soon will be able to buy IQ. There will be a service,
as electricity, says Kelly when he presents his first point:
Artificial Intelligence (AI).
It is the second last day interaction part of the giant festival South by Southwest (SXSW) in Texas, USA. The festival began as a music conference 30 years ago has grown to be a campfire for everyone in the film, music and tech industry. For six days in March mass media people from all corners of the world in the Texas capital to take part in this year’s biggest trends in the industry. This year, dominated the fat program sheet of talks on AI and robots.
– The 10 000 startup companies will build their business model according to the recipe “take the idea X and adding AI,” said Kevin Kelly.
There has long been more or less a nature that if you put two computer engineers in the same room, they’ll soon start talking about artificial intelligence and / or bots (robots controlled by the AI so really it often means the same thing).
But the recent the development has meant that many more have become aware of the technical development which sooner or later will make a great many people, if not futile, then at least the unemployed . You do not talk anymore “if” the robots will take over, but “when”. And the answer is: “now”.
Without that really noticed it has artificial intelligence has become part of everyday life. Computer scientist John McCarthy, who coined the phrase “Artificial Intelligence” in 1955, said that as soon as AI began to exist would stop calling the AI. Today it seems that McCarthy was right.
Our mobile phones are bursting with different programs which calculates recommendations; from what song you should listen to how you fastest
take you from Borås to Bromma. But we do not call them the AI, but “apps” or “Services”.
Tech journalist Kevin Kelly during his speech at the South by Southwest 2016. Photo: Mark Malmström
the 10 000 startup companies will build their business model according to the recipe” take the idea X and adding AI “
the science journalist Tim Urban wrote last year a high-profile post with the title” the AI Revolution: the Road to the Super Intelligence “Wait on the blog but why. The article highlights the Urban until futurologen Ray Kurzweil theories about the exponential future development.
– We are now at a place in history just prior to when everything changes
dramatically, writes Urban.
Kurzweil’s theory goes , in brief, on that as humans tend to think linearly about the future rather than exponentially. If you imagine what the world looks like in 30 years you tend to look back on the past 30 years, and imagine the same development. But Kurzweil argues that this thinking is incorrect because the pace of innovation is increasing all the time.
– If you have a time machine and retrieves a person from 1750 will
person probably die of shock when the hen will see what the world looked like today.
had the other hand, recovered from a person in 1500 and proved hen how 1750 looked like had the person not been as shocked, writes Urban.
Unlike Moore’s law, which means that the computers will be twice as smart every 24 months, means Kurzweil theories that we, once we invented an AI is smart enough to replace most of the production job, relatively soon will have developed an AI with a human intelligence. And then, by definition built an AI that is intelligent enough on their own to create new, smarter AI. Once this happens, no one knows how the impact looks. Because computers do not have time perception would
they can develop themselves at a pace that is hard to understand for people.
But so far, we are far from building a human AI. The mean robot pioneer Rodney Brooks, who also form substantial queues to his conversation with the New Yorker journalist Nick Thompson.
– Most of the robots we have today are like insects. We do not have mechanisms to even build an intellect like a dog’s.
IBM’s supercomputer Watson won the Jeopardy against two former major champions during a widely publicized program 2011. Photo: Seth Wenig / AP
Brooks probably the person that have so far done the most for household robot breakthrough. In 1990 he founded with two colleagues from MIT, the world-renowned engineering department at Cambridge in the United States, the company Irobot including built Roomba robot vacuum cleaner whose control technology found in both robotic lawnmower that poolrengörare.
– So far there are not a robot in the whole world who can do this, Brooks said, taking up a coin from his pocket.
as robots only physical representatives of AI same rules apply for both of them. Everything from the large mechanical arms that paints your new car to celebrity computer Watson from IBM have one thing in common: they are only good at one thing.
the New Yorkers Nick Thompson (left) in conversation with the robot pioneer Rodney Brooks at South by Southwest in 2016. Photo: Mark Malmström
Robots can sort the garbage at McDonalds, driving taxis and poke the bombs in Iraq.
– No robot is so delicate that it can come down in my pocket, recognize a specific coin and take it up the coin out of his pocket. It’s too complex. However, the robots are very good at performing tedious repetitive tasks, making them perfect to replace the factory worker, says Brooks.
This for us over to one of the first supplementary questions that usually come after you talked about robots for a little while. Will all people become unemployed now? And the answer to this question is both yes and no. Kevin Kelly and Rodney Brooks agreed that robots will take many people’s jobs.
– All repetitious jobs will be performed by robots. There remained ineffective job, and they will still be performed by people, says Kelly.
Brooks is on the same page.
– Robots can sort the garbage at McDonalds, driving taxis and poke bombs in Iraq. But we are far from the goal of building an intelligent robot.
The hope is that the creation of new jobs for robotic revolution, Brooks said, pointing to how agriculture was before the combine. Then it was impossible to imagine a future where only 1 percent of the population working in agriculture. Meanwhile, Brooks notes that even if the people found new jobs after the combine sank horse population drastically.
Is it we who are the horse this time? asks Thompson.
– I do not know … Maybe. We’ll see, says Brooks.
South by Southwest (SXSW)
• Started in 1987 as a music festival and has since grown to also have seminars on film and interactive media.
• The name is inspired by Alfred Hitchcock’s film “North by Northwest” (At the last minute).
• The festival attracted a total of over 84,000 visitors last year. Most are technology festival with over 33 000 visitors from 85 countries. The second largest is the music festival where over 2,000 artists participating.
• The festival’s revenue to the economy of Austin was estimated last year to over $ 317 million, equivalent to approximately 2.6 billion.
Source: SXSW.com
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
• Is the intelligence of machines or software. It is also the name of the academic field of study that studies how to create computers and software with intelligent behavior.
• The American computer scientists John McCarthy, who coined the term in 1955, defined AI that “science and technology to create intelligent machines”.
Source: Wikipedia
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