Monday, March 7, 2016

From 0 to 530 employees – in a year – Business Week

Super Company Bambora grew as it creaked in 2015. The recipe for success: Focus on communication, culture-building and goal at the individual level. “Our goal is that the organization must know where we are going and what is required of each individual.”

Bambora is one of Sweden’s fastest growing company in a highly competitive industry under constant development. This places high demands on the company’s ability to evolve to keep up. So far, it is something that the company has succeeded very well with.

Since the company was founded in October 2014, Bambora made several international acquisitions and hired hundreds of people in three different regions. Today Bambora consists of twelve different companies and a total of 530 employees.

Focus on employees, culture and values ​​- the alpha and omega
To bring together the company’s solutions, acquisition and employees have set high demands on the organization. Bambora quickly realized that the organization needs something for all employees together. Just as important as building the brand was building a distinctive corporate culture.

“Our employees are part of Bamboras DNA. The company’s success is based on employees feel involved, engaged and motivated to perform. To achieve this in our employees implies communication, clear objectives, transparency and feedback, “said Antonia Brandberg, HR manager at Bambora.

A leadership that understands the importance of clear HR strategy
When Bambora was started Antonia HR manager the other person in the company. HR has since had a clear mandate from management and there has never been any discussion on the value of structured and clear personnel processes.

“Bamboras HR work is deeply rooted in the shops after which the management sees our initiatives, processes and systems as an obvious priority, “explains Antonia Brandberg.

a modern company that breathes digitization – inside and out
for Bambora who themselves are developing solutions for the digital world it is quite natural that maximizes work digitally and efficiently. To facilitate the work of the company’s critical success keys; communication, goals, transparency and feedback, has a special digital tool has become one of Bamboras important tool.

“We use the HR system CatalystOne, which represents a valuable tool for us to manage data and processes that are linked to our employees. as none of the companies we acquired had an HR structure, we had to build from scratch. Even though we are few people working on this, we have still managed to build these processes. There, the HR system from CatalystOne become our backbone. It had not been possible to realize the transparent and value-driven retention and feedback culture we have built without system support to help. “

Want to know more about how you can strengthen your company’s HR work ? Read more here.

Clear goals on an individual level – transparency and greater progress toward goals
With the help of the HR system creates structure and clarity. The system allows for Bambora to document, measure and monitor goals, performance, values ​​and statistics related to the employees. Something that is not solely for the benefit of management. The employees are very involved and sets up his own goal in the tool. This is then used as instruments to achieve and monitor målstatus during the year. The measurement is in turn the basis for wage negotiations.

“When the responsibility is largely transferred to the individual employee to set goals and level of development created good conditions for increased performance and achievement of goals. The entire organization knows where we are road and every individual knows what is required of it. the system will also contribute to greater transparency where you see your own goals, but also what your boss and other employees for the goal. “

Good talent
when Bambora started working with CatalystOne there was some concern among some people that the system would be like omitting when you can see each other’s goals and in a systemized process can give and receive feedback from colleagues.

“I’m surprised by how positive it has been received, I think people have a need to be seen and have clear objectives. it is simple, clear and you feel you have the opportunity to see and influence their results. it is a very good tool to develop their talents. “

development is something that will continue to be the focus of Bambora. Product philosophy is that agility is key. If a new product can not be tested and launched in the shortest time, so it is too late.

“We have reorganized twice in 2015. We’re not done with acquisitions. The only thing we know with certainty is we do not know how it will look in the future. on the way we work to develop ourselves and stay ahead. When we adopt effective internal working methods and strategies, we are also strong and competitive externally. it is an important part of our recipe for success “concludes Antonia Brandberg.

Bambora is a specialist in payment solutions and provides comprehensive solutions for card payments in order to simplify the management on how to charge. By offering all-in-one package of payment solutions do not have professionals in the trade to use several different systems and suppliers. The company has grown at a record pace since its inception in 2014, both through acquisitions and organic growth. Read more about Bambora here.

CatalystOne develops and provides cloud-based software for strategic HR, personnel management and personnel data. The Nordic founding the company is in growth, with many of Scandinavia’s modern and prominent companies as customers. Efficiency, quality, data security, increased goal fulfillment and better results are some of the effects that have been documented by the use of CatalystOne system support. Read more about CatalystOne here.


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