Sunday, December 20, 2015

Funding from the Swedish Research Council for effective software testing – Mynewsdesk (press release)

Blekinge Institute of Technology, BTH, has received more than 4 million by the Swedish Research Council to develop new ways of testing software for quality improvement. It is a breakthrough for the field of software engineering that is now also receive funds for basic research.

Software is a key part of our modern society and we need both theoretical understanding and practical tools that can ensure that it has sufficient quality. However, it has proved difficult to find theories and practical tools for this.

The researcher Robert Feldt at BTH now receives funding from the Research Council to develop methods for efficient software testing with the help of information theory.

– Information theory is a kind of applied mathematics of information and the basis for our modern communication society. We will see how we can use information theory to make software testing, which today are often vague and subjective, more efficient, says Professor Robert Feldt.

The money from the Research Council will allow researchers at BTH over four years to conduct a project where the goal is both to develop methods for efficient software testing and examining how the information theoretical analysis methods that are developed generalized to other areas than testing.

– The project thus has significant potential to create a transformative effect on software engineering and give it a more precise and scientific basis, says Robert Feldt.

BTH applied research in software technology has many years been at the top in Sweden but it is strategically important that it is also now attracting funds for basic research.

– I have worked with testing and quality along with Swedish companies for many years and know they were real the problems are and the need for general solutions. There is no contradiction between practice and basic research without the support of each other. The initiative from the Research Council will enable us to take on a state position problem, says Robert Feldt.

For more information contact Robert Feldt via email: Robert. or by telephone 0455-38 58 07. See also

Blekinge Institute of Technology, BTH, is one of Sweden’s most profiled colleges where applied IT and innovation for sustainable growth are in focus. BTH started in 1989 and today has more than 6000 students and 500 employees.

BTH is among the top six in the world in software technology and sustainable development.

Something that characterizes BTH is the close cooperation with business and society, which permeates education and research at the regional, national and international level.

BTH received in 1999 the right to issue a doctorate in engineering and we are currently postgraduate studies in the areas of IT with applications and planning and management. Research represents a tredjedal of our business.

Our main campus is located in Karlskrona, where operations are housed in new premises with the sea as its closest neighbor. BTH also has a campus in Karlshamn.

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