Saturday, March 19, 2016

Intelligent computers take over the work – Swedish YLE

Earlier this week, defeated Google’s computer the Korean Grand Master of the game Go, a game that is considered the most complex man ever developed.
Computers with super intelligent software heavily on the future, not only when it comes to gaming.

Google created the game program using articifiell Intelligence. The programs will be smart by independently learn things by looking up data, and take it in.

When there is enough data, the program can figure out what it pays to do in different situations. The programs are becoming more developed and may eventually take over parts of our work.

– We create a small artificial brain to the computer, says Mathias Berglund who is a specialist in neural networks at the company Curios AI.

Virtual office workers

The new company Curios AI aims to further develop the self-driving cars and construct virtual office workers. According to Mathias Berglund future, we can see the driver solving trucks that transport goods on our roads.

– We may be surprised by how quickly the artificial intelligence developed.

Mathias Berglund think we already ten years can have, for example, more driverless cars on our roads. He says that the industry estimated that it would take ten to twenty years before Google’s computer was ready to defeat man-in tactics game Go, but now it went much faster.

 Mathias Berglund specialist P & # xE5; neuronn & # XE4; t at f & # xF6; COMPANY Curios AI

Mathias Berglund specialist in neural networks at the company Curios AI Image: YLE / Margaret Sandstrom

in Finland, we have done research in machine learning and artificial intelligence since the 1960s, including our smart phones have a basic software of artificial intelligence. In 2006, the research momentum and started to develop neuron networks of computers.

We have received a number of start-ups that want to be on a corner and develop the technology. It is mainly the private sector who want to invest money in the development of the super-intelligent computers.

How are the jobs?

The machines that use artificial intelligence is considered more secure and work effectiveness. The risk of this development is that some jobs may be lost.

– There is of course a political and economic issue how to deal with this development, says Mathias Berglund.

Despite the he does not think we should be afraid of an intelligent computer can take over some jobs. Right now, the idea is that the programs complement and intensify the work.

The computers are considered to be better at managing information and thus arises the minor errors when they work. This development gives us an opportunity to let the computer take over the dreary chores.

– I myself would like to have a computer that cleans the apartment for me, says Berglund.

The Central Library in Helsinki considering different areas where they could benefit from artificial intelligence. Possibly it may in the future be a robot that reads to you or give you advice on what books you should read.

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