The statistics are a bicameral source to create an image of our times. On the one hand, it shows that women have better conditions in the labor market, more women going technical education and more women have an IT job. On the other hand, it also shows black and white that they are still few and that wage differences are apparent between men and women. Nor do the figures something about how it really is in the workplace and training.
On the big conference Women in Tech, which took place earlier this week, was asked how many of the participants who have been lonely woman in a meeting room. A clear majority raised their hands. For so is the reality still out.
– I am proud to be a bit of a nerd, but I do not fall within the scope of what a programmer should be. Outside of education, then the people shocked precisely because it is unusual, says Elin Backlund.
The thing that people react to is that she read physics, with a specialization in software.
– the clash is mainly because I’m a girl and not a stereotypical programmer. Wrestling much with that, sometimes I avoid saying exactly what I’m reading. Saying I read in engineering only, she says.
Carolin Solskär sitting on similar experiences, as a student in computer science must she receive skeptical comments from people she meets. Nor does she think that image of what a data-girl’s suit her. The picture must be qualified.
– As a girl you have to be loud, physically lean in and take a seat. I have worked as a seaman and have, unfortunately, had to be a little blokes. Pretend like I shrugged, though I’m a control freak, she says.
Kajsa Lundborg see the story in the same way. She plugs the digital business at Hyper Island. The problem of young women, or women of all ages, meet briefly summarized and easily in an example from school.
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– Right now is the most positive, but we must endure more questioning. Have been taking it since childhood when I wanted to turn on the projector in the school. Could I really like this girl, she says.
The three read on different courses and come from different parts of the country. The common denominator is their particular interest in IT, technology and programming. But even there, it has a different focus and chosen different paths. They teach, lecture, run companies and are active in the network. They also have in common that they are nominated for Best IT girl. An award Microsoft distributes to young women who they see as good role models and who can inspire and drive development forward.
Mentors and role models in demand in almost every respect women, and it is discussed. And that view is shared by the trio.
– The key to getting more women role models, but unfortunately they are not always visible. I think you have to think more sales and become more relevant to the recipient, says Kajsa Lundborg.
It may include using role models outside the traditional companies. Raising up a broader group of all ages, professions and different backgrounds. Kajsa Lundborg suggests people today reach many young women, YouTubers and bloggers.
– That’s it. They use Google analytics, they can WordPress, they use databases, HTML, Java, she says.
Carolin Solskär draws parallels to when she started sailing training in high school. She met a girl who she thought was cool and who told who travels and life on the lake. She got stuck. Likewise, she was encouraged to try to seek a cyber education.
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– I tested and realized how fun it was. Mentoring is when you’re a teenager is very important, it changes all the time and are influenced by their environment. “I’m just like you.” But must also realize what power they have, she says.
Important to remember is not to lose the practical. It is one thing to talk about problems and talk about how to come to terms with them. It has been enough talk. To get more girls interested in engineering, mathematics, and it requires active encouragement in school. This can include educating school staff so it can better understand what digital learning and IT education at universities and colleges actually means.
– I also believe that it is about to capture the interest of girls. Ask what they like and then show how it can be used in IT, as, for example, view interactive. Gone interest, says Carolin Solskär.
Looking forward, they see the bright future, but only if the companies and the community continues the effort. The change and the work needs to be done at all levels. They say indeed that women can pull a heavier load than men, despite the fact that no one loses in a more equal society.
– There is a deeply rooted problem and it is a long process. I think there is more on the girls that they have a chance to push the issue, and this year’s title it-girl is an opportunity to do so. But one should not really need to drive it if you do not want. It should be fun, no one is engaged in. And the more women you see, the more shares the burden, says Elin Backlund.
For girls the day sitting in the classroom or runs his own blog and want to know how it works behind. To those who think that math is super fun, for those who do not know what they would do with his life. For them, Elin, Carolin and Kajsa a single call: dare! Go out and make contact, ask what you want to know. There are no excuses for not taking place in the cyber world.
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– I think not that there will even be an iT industry forward. It’s digital business that is everywhere. And if the girls are not involved in creating the future, they have no place. It will work with the data as a tool and you do not understand them, someone else stand beside and rule, says Kajsa Lundborg.
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