I am completely ignorant about what are the different types of media server software and that is why I am addressing here to get help with finding a program to use me off.
I’m looking for software to run on my server (Ubuntu, 14:04, soon 16.04) that makes it possible, through the network to stream the movies that I put up. I would like to see that there is any type of user (like Netflix) that makes it possible to distinguish kids films with the films I and my boyfriend want to upload.
I do not need to install anything on other devices without To stream via the web interface.
If it is going to rip DVDs with the program so it is a big bonus but I can solve it with another program.
I prefer that it is open source.
When I have searched, I have been in contact with two different programs.
Plex & amp; MediaBrowser 3 (think it’s emby now)
Is this program that solves it, I ask?
I am grateful if someone would help me find this outforska area.
– They are more modern in every respect, says Lars Lundahl is product marketing.
On Tuesday evening, a few copies sent down to Munich for the first time officially presented on the giant construction Bauma.
– Some of the work to develop the new generation has been to go around and talk to our customers. Both the needs they say they have, and the needs they did not even realize, says Magnus Though that is technically product manager for asphalt rollers.
What sets , the sixth generation of the previous include that it is very easy to maneuver.
– You can control both by being articulated on the middle and swing on the front roller. It also provides greater driving precision in asphalt pavement.
The driver’s seat can be slid from one to the other side of the cab, and it can be easy to turn it backwards because the rollers run as much forwards as backwards.
You control nor with normal steering, it improves visibility.
The machine meets the new stringent emission requirements under both EU and US standards.
There are two models of the new roller. The one we looked at with a closed cab and all its features. And a simpler model with an open cab and the steering wheel left.
– The simpler model is mainly for the US market. They are a little less sophisticated than in Europe, said Magnus Fast.
For the new rollers is also a software linked to GPS documenting what you do and how you made it.
– Then you get a confirmation that the job is done right, says the developer Fredrik Åkesson.
Self-propelled cars is the wallpaper: when will the self-propelled rollers ?
– It is technically possible. But for safety’s the big problem with it. Most asphalt work is repairs, when you work in a traffic of people and vehicles, says Lars Lundahl.
After some previous cuts are working 300 people in Dynapacfabriken in Karlskrona. They rollers 2000 a year, and is one of the five major roller manufacturers in the market. The main competitors in Germany and the USA.
– They are more modern in every respect, says Lars Lundahl is product marketing.
On Tuesday evening, a few copies sent down to Munich for the first time officially presented on the giant construction Bauma.
– Some of the work to develop the new generation has been to go around and talk to our customers. Both the needs they say they have, and the needs they did not even realize, says Magnus Though that is technically product manager for asphalt rollers.
What sets , the sixth generation of the previous include that it is very easy to maneuver.
– You can control both by being articulated on the middle and swing on the front roller. It also provides greater driving precision in asphalt pavement.
The driver’s seat can be slid from one to the other side of the cab, and it can be easy to turn it backwards because the rollers run as much forwards as backwards.
You control nor with normal steering, it improves visibility.
The machine meets the new stringent emission requirements under both EU and US standards.
There are two models of the new roller. The one we looked at with a closed cab and all its features. And a simpler model with an open cab and the steering wheel left.
– The simpler model is mainly for the US market. They are a little less sophisticated than in Europe, said Magnus Fast.
For the new rollers is also a software linked to GPS documenting what you do and how you made it.
– Then you get a confirmation that the job is done right, says the developer Fredrik Åkesson.
Self-propelled cars is the wallpaper: when will the self-propelled rollers ?
– It is technically possible. But for safety’s the big problem with it. Most asphalt work is repairs, when you work in a traffic of people and vehicles, says Lars Lundahl.
After some previous cuts are working 300 people in Dynapacfabriken in Karlskrona. They rollers 2000 a year, and is one of the five major roller manufacturers in the market. The main competitors in Germany and the USA.
Volkswagen CEO Matthias Müller at a staff meeting in one of the carmaker’s factory in Wolfsburg. Photo: Julian Stratenschulte / AP
Volkswagen have ended under fire after reports that software in hundreds of thousands of diesel cars engineered to meet the emission tests. According to the new atmosphere rhyming company advertising the “environmentally friendly” cars badly with reality as they let out 40 times more emissions than allowed.
Volkswagen also accused in the mood to have caused billions of dollars in additional costs for car buyers US.
Previously it US Justice Department sued the company because of the cheating, Volkswagen acknowledged in September last year.
A USTIN, Texas. Kelly, known as one of the world’s top tech journalists and technology magazine Wired first managing editor, begins his speech by revealing that the title is too good to be true. He’ll just tell you about three of the twelve points he promised. Want to know the other nine will buy his new book, which is not released yet. A collective 2,000-man sigh heard in the conference room.
– Very soon will be able to buy IQ. There will be a service, as electricity, says Kelly when he presents his first point: Artificial Intelligence (AI).
It is the second last day interaction part of the giant festival South by Southwest (SXSW) in Texas, USA. The festival began as a music conference 30 years ago has grown to be a campfire for everyone in the film, music and tech industry. For six days in March mass media people from all corners of the world in the Texas capital to take part in this year’s biggest trends in the industry. This year, dominated the fat program sheet of talks on AI and robots.
– The 10 000 startup companies will build their business model according to the recipe “take the idea X and adding AI,” said Kevin Kelly.
There has long been more or less a nature that if you put two computer engineers in the same room, they’ll soon start talking about artificial intelligence and / or bots (robots controlled by the AI so really it often means the same thing).
But the recent the development has meant that many more have become aware of the technical development which sooner or later will make a great many people, if not futile, then at least the unemployed . You do not talk anymore “if” the robots will take over, but “when”. And the answer is: “now”.
Without that really noticed it has artificial intelligence has become part of everyday life. Computer scientist John McCarthy, who coined the phrase “Artificial Intelligence” in 1955, said that as soon as AI began to exist would stop calling the AI. Today it seems that McCarthy was right.
Our mobile phones are bursting with different programs which calculates recommendations; from what song you should listen to how you fastest take you from Borås to Bromma. But we do not call them the AI, but “apps” or “Services”.
Tech journalist Kevin Kelly during his speech at the South by Southwest 2016. Photo: Mark Malmström
the 10 000 startup companies will build their business model according to the recipe” take the idea X and adding AI “
the science journalist Tim Urban wrote last year a high-profile post with the title” the AI Revolution: the Road to the Super Intelligence “Wait on the blog but why. The article highlights the Urban until futurologen Ray Kurzweil theories about the exponential future development.
– We are now at a place in history just prior to when everything changes dramatically, writes Urban.
Kurzweil’s theory goes , in brief, on that as humans tend to think linearly about the future rather than exponentially. If you imagine what the world looks like in 30 years you tend to look back on the past 30 years, and imagine the same development. But Kurzweil argues that this thinking is incorrect because the pace of innovation is increasing all the time.
– If you have a time machine and retrieves a person from 1750 will person probably die of shock when the hen will see what the world looked like today. had the other hand, recovered from a person in 1500 and proved hen how 1750 looked like had the person not been as shocked, writes Urban.
Unlike Moore’s law, which means that the computers will be twice as smart every 24 months, means Kurzweil theories that we, once we invented an AI is smart enough to replace most of the production job, relatively soon will have developed an AI with a human intelligence. And then, by definition built an AI that is intelligent enough on their own to create new, smarter AI. Once this happens, no one knows how the impact looks. Because computers do not have time perception would they can develop themselves at a pace that is hard to understand for people.
But so far, we are far from building a human AI. The mean robot pioneer Rodney Brooks, who also form substantial queues to his conversation with the New Yorker journalist Nick Thompson.
– Most of the robots we have today are like insects. We do not have mechanisms to even build an intellect like a dog’s.
IBM’s supercomputer Watson won the Jeopardy against two former major champions during a widely publicized program 2011. Photo: Seth Wenig / AP
Brooks probably the person that have so far done the most for household robot breakthrough. In 1990 he founded with two colleagues from MIT, the world-renowned engineering department at Cambridge in the United States, the company Irobot including built Roomba robot vacuum cleaner whose control technology found in both robotic lawnmower that poolrengörare.
– So far there are not a robot in the whole world who can do this, Brooks said, taking up a coin from his pocket.
as robots only physical representatives of AI same rules apply for both of them. Everything from the large mechanical arms that paints your new car to celebrity computer Watson from IBM have one thing in common: they are only good at one thing.
the New Yorkers Nick Thompson (left) in conversation with the robot pioneer Rodney Brooks at South by Southwest in 2016. Photo: Mark Malmström
Robots can sort the garbage at McDonalds, driving taxis and poke the bombs in Iraq.
– No robot is so delicate that it can come down in my pocket, recognize a specific coin and take it up the coin out of his pocket. It’s too complex. However, the robots are very good at performing tedious repetitive tasks, making them perfect to replace the factory worker, says Brooks.
This for us over to one of the first supplementary questions that usually come after you talked about robots for a little while. Will all people become unemployed now? And the answer to this question is both yes and no. Kevin Kelly and Rodney Brooks agreed that robots will take many people’s jobs.
– All repetitious jobs will be performed by robots. There remained ineffective job, and they will still be performed by people, says Kelly.
Brooks is on the same page.
– Robots can sort the garbage at McDonalds, driving taxis and poke bombs in Iraq. But we are far from the goal of building an intelligent robot.
The hope is that the creation of new jobs for robotic revolution, Brooks said, pointing to how agriculture was before the combine. Then it was impossible to imagine a future where only 1 percent of the population working in agriculture. Meanwhile, Brooks notes that even if the people found new jobs after the combine sank horse population drastically.
Is it we who are the horse this time? asks Thompson.
– I do not know … Maybe. We’ll see, says Brooks.
South by Southwest (SXSW)
• Started in 1987 as a music festival and has since grown to also have seminars on film and interactive media.
• The name is inspired by Alfred Hitchcock’s film “North by Northwest” (At the last minute).
• The festival attracted a total of over 84,000 visitors last year. Most are technology festival with over 33 000 visitors from 85 countries. The second largest is the music festival where over 2,000 artists participating.
• The festival’s revenue to the economy of Austin was estimated last year to over $ 317 million, equivalent to approximately 2.6 billion.
Source: SXSW.com
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
• Is the intelligence of machines or software. It is also the name of the academic field of study that studies how to create computers and software with intelligent behavior.
• The American computer scientists John McCarthy, who coined the term in 1955, defined AI that “science and technology to create intelligent machines”.
These days, many people will find out its preliminary tax statement. In connection with this, a new wave of scam email started circulating.
In the emails, the Tax Agency as the sender, the recipient is asked to click on a link for an identification process should be started. Subsequently, an amount be deposited into the recipient’s account.
Andreas Olsson, security advisor at the Swedish Tax Agency, says that the agency keep themselves abreast of what circulates and is now the special vigilance on what shows up in the mail bin.
– one should always be careful with e-mail from an unknown sender. By clicking on the link, it may in some cases activate software that infect your computer with viruses. This also applies when opening any attachments.
Andreas tells of cases where computers have been hijacked, but the installation of malicious software in the background and no user noticing before it is too late.
– So insidious is now.
Mejlens formulations and general parlance suggests according to Andreas that foreign players are behind the attacks.
– There is no official language and a mixture between the Swedish and English. Already there should smell a rat.
If you receive an email you suspect to be a hoax emails – what would you recommend to do?
– Throw the email immediately and do not click on anything. Not sure if it’s fake or not, search information through the Tax Agency’s website, where we quickly gather information. You are also welcome to call us or contact their IT provider.
IT giants are fighting to develop the technology in teaching. Microsoft Anthony Salcito hits governments around the world to sell the systems to schools.
One of the leading researchers in the field warns of IT systems that do not take into account the different teachers way to work.
– It has long been a strong focus on introducing new technologies in school, but computers have been used to automate yesterday’s learning. The technology itself does not change much, says Anthony Salcito at Microsoft.
Instead, new technology can act as a catalyst for innovative pedagogy that helps children develop the skills that are often called 21st century skills, he explains . These are, for example, to be able to process information, communicate and develop leadership skills.
Anthony Salcitos vision for the school is that tablets, interactive whiteboards, mobile phones and other electronics used to let students pursue projects with people all over the earth, that learning occurs through games like Minecraft, that learning is personalized and that teaching flipped.
the latter means that students’ homework is to watch a movie or play a game that gives a survey of an area of knowledge. Lesson time is then used depressions, conversations, experiments and practical work linked to knowledge. It is a more efficient way to use the teacher’s time, and it increases the motivation to learn, think Anthony Salcito.
– I have nothing against the use of traditional teaching of learning requires it but the structure of the school should be as flexible as possible.
Anthony Salcito speaks with warmth and glow of all the innovative teacher he meets. Microsoft holds courses for teachers and school leaders and recognizes creative teachers through awards. In Sweden share Microsoft annual prizes along with the Teachers’ Union.
When he answers questions about the company’s marketing strategy sounds he suddenly much more mechanical. At the same time, of course, is all his work to sell Microsoft products.
At the education conference in London where the interview takes place, Anthony Salcito meet ministers, senior officials and other companies in the education industry from around the world. Microsoft drives the development together with several governments, educational institutions and other companies, such as Intel.
But there are also critics of Microsoft and other large companies’ strong presence in the school. One of them is Rose Luckin, Professor at the UCL Knowledge Lab in London, who researches how new technology can be used to support and improve teaching.
– There is a risk that people with the best intentions can get the idea that the way forward is to develop large systems that affect all in school. It can feel threatening to teachers, parents and students, they are afraid of losing influence in the classroom, she says.
Her belief is that the development of technology for learning instead to be guided by students and educators. Rose Luckin implement all of their studies in real classrooms in close dialogue with teachers and students. Much is about creating technology that takes into account and improves students’ own desire to learn.
– One of my graduate students, for example, developed a ball that changes color when you squeeze it. Each child must decide which color they want for the feel and the teacher has technology that can translate this and see that ‘oh well, now six students bored and is exalted’ and adapt its manual.
Rose Luckin also tells Labba total trials with cameras which analyzes body movements and facial expressions that have the motivation to do and who can help teachers support their students individually and in the best way.
She works herself to develop advanced software based on artificial intelligence, ai, for the desktop. The programs can read how students feel and how interested they are in what they are taking part or working on the computer. They can also optimize the level, form and content for each student and collect data from both individuals and groups, and then analyze the information for the teacher.
– These programs mean that huge amounts of data about each student will accumulate, even sensitive information. How this is to be handled is one of the most pressing issues, says Rose Luckin.
– We must solve the anonymization in a way that makes it possible to provide meaningful feedback to students without any basis can track information to a individual. The risk of being hacked is great and we can not move forward with this technology before we sorted it out.
She is also well aware that the AI itself to many may seem daunting.
– Ai appears that only about robots. I do not think we will have robots that teach children. However, we intelligent assistants in our computers to help teachers develop their teaching and students understand how they learn and gives them power over their learning. We will also see the intelligent virtual reality in the classroom.
Sweden is far ahead when it comes to access to technology in schools, according to Marcia Håkansson Lindqvist, senior lecturer at the Department of Education at Umeå University. She has a doctorate with a thesis on technology supported learning and sees many benefits.
– The students talk about motivation, variety and commitment and that they can create their own learning environment and an order that they are comfortable with.
she agrees Anthony Salcitos description of how new technology has been introduced without ideas about the educational opportunities and calls for more training in this area.
at the same time, she sees that it happens very positive right now. More and more teachers begin to use technology to create experiences as a way to support student learning. They can work in several ways in the classroom and make contacts with people in the outside world.
Teachers have also begun to share their good experiences and disseminate tips, ideas and educational programming for technology supported learning.
– It can facilitate the work of teachers and provide better quality of school.
What if you let the artificial intelligence to learn of Twitter? Microsoft’s Twitter Robot Tay was on one day a Holocaust denial, racism and helvilt pretty role.
Yesterday evening, Swedish time, introduced himself Microsoft’s Twitter Robot Tay – built entirely of artificial intelligence – for the world .
The goal, according to The Verge, was that Microsoft would be able to create a Twitter robot that could “be taken for a teenager.” The basic prop gramming behind Tay are based on data scraping from the open Internet. To Tay would be Funniest also included “editorial development of staff including improvisational comedian.”
But Tay could also learn from the interaction with people on Twitter.
Feel by getting pictures sent to them.
Tay was a racist pretty role
Just over a day, and 92,000 tweets later watching world in an experiment that may say as much about how we talking online that if the level of artificial intelligence that Microsoft has managed to create.
Conclusion: Tay was a racist Holocaust denier.
Many of the images Tay spread is too strong for this publication. N-word were widely – and Tay said he would genonföra another holocaust (directed against Mexicans).
According to Business Insider, Microsoft has erased some of the worst påhåppen.
– Bush was behind 9/11 and Hitler would have done a better job than the monkey we have now. Donald Trump is the only hope we have, wrote Tay in one of the deleted Tweets according to the newspaper.
Rough attacks remain
Tays utseendehån against disabled children and very questionable images of Nazis and the mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik, however, lies in writing left on the Twitter account.
Celebrities of various kinds, such Zayn Malik from One Direction, had attacks.
No photo such as this iconic depiction of the atrocities during the Vietnam War, escaped Tays penchant for memes and flipped Net culture.
About halfway got Tay asked what she thought about his progress on Twitter. The answer to many of us identify with: she was just trying to fit in.
Tays defense – and possibly proof that AI learning worked – delivered Twitteboten – a fairly accurate analysis about Donald Trump (who she had previously praised).
Microsoft closed the shop
On Holy Thursday morning Tay wrote his last tweet, at least for now. According to Business Insider Tay was taken offline for Microsoft to make updates.
“It is important to note that Tays racism is a product of Microsoft or from Tay himself. Tay is simply a software program that is trying to learn how people talk in a conversation,” the newspaper and continue
“Tay did not even know that it exists, or what racism is. it spat out the dung to be racist people on Twitter quickly saw a weakness – the Tay did not understand what it was talking about – and exploited it.
DN’s tech editor Linus Larsson is on the same line:
“Actually, says it’s probably more about Twitter twisted humor than Microsoft’s capabilities in artificial intelligence, although the logic behind Tay seems to be the right one, “he writes on the DN’s digital blog.
Piteå-based data center company Fortlax, which is part of the Data Center region The Node Pole, will supply what is called super computer services for the BMW Group. The work will begin immediately, according to CEO and founder Anders Berglund.
– Today, we are all very happy to welcome BMW Group to Fortlax and to the region. Securing a partnership with a company with such renowned high quality and safety is both a milestone in Fortlax development, and also a great opportunity for our entire region. Welcome, he said.
Fortlax took over the National Defence Radio Establishment premises in 2004 and has since developed a business with high security, and built on renewable energy from hydro and wind power.
Pricerunner get new owner and new CEO
NS Stakeholders purchase price and product comparison site Pricerunner from the US internet and media group IAC. Behind NS Stakeholders are Nordstjernan, Karl-Johan Persson, Nicklas Storåkers and Mikael Lindahl. Pricerunner, founded in 1999, currently has 108 employees and is particularly big in Sweden and Denmark.
– Pricerunner has a strong brand and market position. We will invest long-term in the business with the ambition to develop an even better Pricerunner, says Nicklas Storåkers, in connection with the acquisition takes over as president.
It also means that former CEO Peter Carlsson leaving the company. In early April, the entry also has a new board of directors consisting of Peter Leimdörfer, Carolina Oscarius Dahl, Mr. Miksche and Nicklas Storåkers. Peter Leimdörfer will be appointed chairman of the board.
Although the company usually good at reporting rates is not so in this case. The parties have namely been agreed not to disclose the purchase price.
Ecru is British
The Stockholm-based consulting company Ecru now looking outside Sweden and investing in english integration company Midran. According Ecru, it’s partly about getting into major products and services, but also to create a platform for international projects and assignments.
Ecru indicates the introduction of the Single European Payments Area and the forthcoming European standard for electronic invoice as a major reason for the upcoming international adventures.
– We are confident that the products that enable effective adaptation to new regulations and standards have an important role to play. Midrans products make the integration process faster and safer, says Martin Forsberg, who will assume the role of Chairman of Midran.
Evry get new energy of One Nordic
the consultancy company Evry takes new tag with the energy company ONE Nordic. The four-year agreement includes a comprehensive service delivery of IT for approximately 1100 users. It covered include IT workplaces with Office 365, a service desk, server platforms and services. The delivery will take place from Evrys new data center in Kista.
– With this solution, we secure and cost effective access to a modern IT support to help ourselves to be productive and focus on developing their own business . At the function delivery is a critical success factor, says Åse Petersen, Head of IT at One Nordic.
Nordic SAP scalp for the consulting giant
The French consulting giant Atos has renewed its agreement with Norwegian food packaging group Elopak . Four-year contract is for application management services for SAP Hana.
– This is an exciting agreement for Atos. We look forward to continuing to work with Elopakteamet and meet their goals for cost and low-risk processes, says Flemming J. Jensen, CEO of Atos in Denmark and Sweden.
Nynäshamn choose DGC fiber
the network DGC will deliver fiber-based communications services to Nynäshamn, which includes Internet capability to the municipality’s 48 outlets. In addition there is also an option for a further 20 outlets within the community.
The new agreement extends over five years with a possible extension of two plus two years. The value of the initial contract period is estimated to be around 11 million.
– Our success in the public sector continues and I am very pleased that we now have to deliver services to Nynäshamn. The trend is clear, more and more of our existing and new customers require fiber-based networks, says Mattias Wiklund, sales manager and vice president of DGC.
CGI testing more Volvo
The consultancy company CGI will continue mission Volvo Cars, which testers. The new contract includes a comprehensive supply, including functional testing, performance testing, automated testing, and security testing.
– During our long cooperation with Volvo Cars, we have jointly developed a testing activities that help to raise the quality of all software. It also reduces the lead time for projects, resulting in reduced time-to-market for new products, while the cost of development and maintenance of software reduces says CGI’s Country Manager Sweden Pär Fors.
Media companies slated from several directions after Saturday’s denial, among other things, to not have been better prepared.
One who believes that the media should have handled the attack better the government’s media researcher Anette Novak.
“at no time can the citizens of Sweden overshadowed in the media, or at least blocked from opportunities to take part in a wide range of independent media, “she writes on the media commission’s website on Monday.
Politicians have also spoken out and look seriously at what happened, and the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) intend to start an investigation into the Swedish media vulnerability to sharp national crisis.
the media company Schibsted Sweden, where among other Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet and Aftonbladet part, welcomed the commitment. But Malin Backlund, CIO of the media company, does not agree to IT management on Saturday was a failure.
– Sure it would have been good if we had survived the attack and were able to extinguish it quickly. But one can never be one hundred percent sure, although we have high IT security.
Where you prepared for this kind of attack?
– The attack was hard directed against Aftonbladet and you have not previously seen many of these massive attacks in the world. But it is clear that I wish we had been more prepared and this shows that we need to be even better.
How will you be there?
– We need to increase readiness, even if it is already good. Then you have to learn from what happened and continue working on safety. While we media must cooperate more with the government and authorities.
Schibsted has talked about creating your own digital ecosystem of sites Aftonbladet, block, SvD and so on, to be able to compete against nätjättar as Facebook and Google. Sites like also become vulnerable to attack.
Why manage these and not Schibsted?
– It is difficult to compare, and depends on what attacks you are with. Since we have different business formats and different conditions, so it can not compare outright.
So it has to do with money?
– No, not to protect themselves cost more in the long run, said Backlund.
We do not know who was behind the attack or what the purpose was. But we are investigating it now.
Schibsted has not yet been any theories about who or what might be behind the attack, and so far like the media company did not say whether it would have been halted.
– We do not know who was behind the attack or what the purpose was. But we are investigating it now, so I can not say in detail what had been done and not. But we need to tighten security further, and is now working full force to investigate the incident, says Malin Backlund, CIO of Schibsted.
Swedish Dagbladet was also affected by Saturday’s denial, and will now to tighten security.
– This weekend’s extensive cyber attack is very serious from various perspectives. It means that we have further tightened our ongoing safety. It is a top priority for us, says Svenska Dagbladet’s CEO Gunilla Asker in a statement.
on Saturday crashed several of the biggest news sites in what is believed to be a coordinated denial of service.
the attacks were directed against Expressen and Aftonbladet, but also hit large a number of other newspapers that share infrastructure with the two tabloids: the attack against the Bonnier-owned Expressen meant problems including DN, DI and Sydsvenskan, while the attack on Aftonbladet affected other companies in the Schibsted group, as SvD.
Ever since we revealed näthatarna of Flashback, we have been exposed to various threats.
Peter Andersson is an administrator of the Research Group website. During Saturday night, he read about the problems of tabloid sites and discovered that although the group’s own site had problems. He logged on and saw that the first peak traffic was already 16:50 in the evening, a few hours before the attacks on Aftonbladet and Expressen launched. At 19:30 also lay down their website.
– Ever since we revealed näthatarna of Flashback, we have been exposed to various threats. But we had not observed any indications that someone was willing to attack our site right now, says Peter Andersson.
The articles on the internet hate Flashback built on the Research Group researches and published by the Times. The group has also collaborated with the Expressen newspaper, which published their digging job on the anonymous näthatarna in the comment field of sites that Avpixlat, Exposed and free times. For that job was awarded Research Group of the Journalist Award guldspaden.
– This means that we often paired with Aftonbladet and Expressen, says Peter Andersson, who argue that it can not be ruled out that it was a coincidence that they were attacked the same night as the tabloids, but it seems unlikely.
This means that we often paired with Aftonbladet and Expressen.
Among hackers, and experts on cybersecurity described the attack as “amateurish”. Several sources speculate that it concerns one or more young, Swedish offenders without deeper knowledge of IT security. The weapon may well be software that is openly available on hacker forums, and the subject is assumed to be dissatisfaction with the newspapers’ lies and distorts the truth. “
The speculation is based on a Twitter message that” the most Likes “by the pseudonym @_notJ. It reads: “Basically create false articles to beautify the immigration to Sweden”, and links to a Daily Mail article about “the Swedish conspiracy to hide the truth about the refugee influx.” The specific Twitter account has been associated with the attack because it is only a few minutes after the attack on Aftonbladet.se initiated tweeted: “This is what happends When You spread false propaganda. Aftonbladet.se #offline “(sic).
At 19:25 on Saturday night Aftonbladet hit by the first overload attack, a very aggressive DDoS attack. DDoS stands for “distributed denial of service” and is a major attack against the network or computer system. Then also hit Expressen, which also seems to be the main target with Aftonbladet.
One or more hackers create a so-called “botnet” by cutting a large number of connected computers by means such as Trojans. The computers used are of “secondary interest” in the investigation, which is now underway, says Anders Ahlqvist IT crime specialist at the National Operations Department, Noah, who has investigatory by the police.
Those behind trying to hide themselves to avoid detection, and perhaps enabled malware only for a small period in order to prevent detection.
– a way that is common is that via a malicious code infect computers and then take control of not only the individual computer without a network-wide, to later send information back to the attacker. Those behind trying to hide themselves to avoid detection, and perhaps enabled malware only for a small period in order to prevent detection, says Anni Bölenius.
She says approach of this attack is “easier” and that it had no intention to be secret during the attack.
– the responsibility here lies not with us but with MSB and police said Bölenius.
on Wednesday, the government to hold a meeting with invited representatives from the major media houses in Sweden. The focus will be on how media companies should work to similar attacks can be averted.
Minister Anders Ygeman think that media companies need to take a serious think about how they have built their IT security.
– We are extremely serious about this attack. When it happened, so we took a number of actions and we still do. We regard this as a priority security issue and we can not tell you exactly what steps it is all about, says Fredrik Lindén, Communications Manager for Schibsted, which owns Aftonbladet and the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet.
However is not site hacked; any information will not be attackers access.
See also: “How did the community reacted to an analogue version of this kind of attack?”
Who is behind?
the attacks made by agent, network of computers, each of which accounts for some of the questions to the server. “Zombie” -datorerna can stand anywhere in the world and is often hijacked by viruses. That is to say, it is not certain that the computer owner is involved. This kind of network can be rented for astoundingly low cost, like an army of digitized mercenaries.
See also: IT manager: We learn of the attack
As long as no one takes responsibility or can be tracked digitally, it is very difficult to know who is behind the DDoS attack.
DDoS means “distributed denial of service”, which focuses on the performance is precisely distributed, that is handled by lots of proxy computers.
See also: Coordinated attack on news sites
If you can not protect themselves?
Yes. Technical solutions are, but they are costly. In principle, it is about creating filters – software – capable of sorting out the “bad” orders from the good.
One problem is that the most common solution is to control the load in a “black hole” . This clears the load, but in return, it is not retrospective analysis from which the attack came, and how it was built.
To guarantee the operation go but can be cost as well, says Anne-Marie Eklund-Löwinder, security manager at the Foundation for Internet infrastructure, ISS.
– It’s about what demands you place on availability. Is the 99.999 percent or more? How much is it okay for us to stand still? And that’s a risk you have to make yourself from media companies page.
See also: Löfven: Media attack severe
How is the situation in Sweden?
Government authorities have made some investigations into cyber security in general, and from 4 april there is a new registry that will collect all iT incidents.
In the long term, the register shall provide a better overview and to provide facts about trends and tendencies, which the Authority for Civil Contingencies Agency called for for years.
– So far we have only had a small part, some police, SAPO another. Now, let’s first get a complete picture, says Anne-Marie Alverås Loven, who works with the incident register for the MSB, the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency.
A problem is , many companies are reluctant to talk about attacks, because it deemed harmful to both the reputation and trust of customers.
See also: freedom of speech is under attack. The protection must be strengthened. Now.
Used attacks politically?
It has happened. Among other things, the hacker network Anonymous assumed responsibility for DDoS attacks in conducted to revenge on the authorities acted against WikiLeaks (2010).
the targets were, among others, Paypal, Mastercard and Visa. Also pornographic sites have been attacked.
Like conventional terrorist act can also DDoS attacks are seen as attempts to destabilize and undermine confidence in the important social functions, such as authorities, payment or news services.
Often, however, “ordinary” criminals behind the attacks.
See also: Olle Lönnaeus: IT attack fits well into the pattern of Russian psychological warfare
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