Photo: Jessica Gow / TT
If management practices in the automotive industry can be considered to work well so another for the education industry. Technological equipment can be measured with high precision and bilkonsumenten can make rational choices. Biological machines are something else. First, it is something intangible to be measured, and it is an interpretive sensing needs driven man who will carry out the measurement. The correlation between the measured (the knowledge) and the unit (rating) in which knowledge is supposed to be given is therefore both insecure and weak.
When Volkswagen cheated by examining the cars with the highest rating of A, then something happened.
The first Consumers responded and sales declined.
2. VW was sentenced in court and billions of dollars lost in the form of a fine.
third Individuals from the group demanded responsibility. Some lost work within a week, others demoted and received pay cuts.
This worked fine management logic. Both market-based mechanisms as a legal superstructure with substantial sanction rights shootout on both macro and micro levels.
But how this tends management logic to work in the education industry?
1 . Consumers are only partly rational, and not in the way that management system requires. As long as students and parents usually prefer, sparse knowledge with high marks in front of more extensive knowledge with lower ratings will not work management practices in the manner desired. On the contrary, can thus “VW cheating” (that is, to put high scores regardless of whether it is justified or not) be rewarded by the consumer. For that weighs the most is still the doors open grades, not how heavy compaction knowledge you have with you when you go through them.
2. Schools do not go on hefty fines. One can very accurately identify cheating with nitrogen emissions. But you can not evaluate schools with such certainty. As long as you can demonstrate that an operator fails to comply with the Education Act so the agency has no artillery to insert. And it is not illegal to discrepancy between the results in key tests and final grades. And even if external correction would lead to such a discrepancy increases so does not punish this system; peddling of such a discrepancy can even lead some seek right there.
third Individuals demanded no responsibility. We can prove the existence of a software in a data box that manipulates emission. But we have no way to call a rector’s subtle signals to a teacher, if not the F drops can wage or job at risk. Nor can we view an individual teacher’s rating assessment with a satisfactory safety. A teacher can always get through to refer to the student demonstrated good oral skills during lessons. Standalone players need rest, with the exception of the central sample not even archiving students’ written results. Not easy to review then!
The proposals Heller Sahlgren and Jordahl up support for New Public Management in the school are given their assumptions about how people function, understandable albeit inadequate . But above all, it seems to me that they rest on incorrect assumptions about human decision making.
As soon as you create a system where one’s personal financial or positional development (profits, wages and career or for that matter the opportunity to keep their jobs at all) with little risk to be met with sanctions could be positively affected by that clouding his sense of justice or looks the other way, so people will naturally act in accordance with the conditions in this system. This applies to students, teachers, school management as different types of heads.
Our brains are namely such that they both are short-term (short-term interests and speed of needs dominate our decision-making and also occurs in cases where they are long-term foolish; the long-term experienced distant and abstract, which, for example, shows itself in the fact people smoke) both operated under the principle resource economics: it is less pleasurable (more painful) and there with more energy to be loyal against abstract ideals than the alternatives so are the ideals usually smooth in the competition for individual attention in both the short and long term.
My seemingly cynical view of how people are pushing the boundaries and ideals in order to achieve personal benefits need not even be conscious. As a player in a given system, the risk namely large that contamination of its dynamics. The entire theory of evolution based on that we have this ability to adapt and brain are very inventive when it comes to that – given the changes in the surrounding environment – become what it perceives as evolutionarily motivated individual benefits.
If the economic framework for both high schools as colleges / universities are dependent on the quantitative throughput (ping, Dick Harrison!) or qualitative bedömningsangivelsen (grade level) so it leads inevitably devalued loyalty against the actual knowledge of the assignment. This in turn leads to grade inflation and what is worse, to the sparse knowledge. By extension, we get a dumbed down society which in turn leads to a fördummad future state control and may not even know that the concepts of “episteme”, “techne” and “Fronesis” exist, let alone what they stand for.
Goran Hestner
the teacher of psychology, philosophy, history and religion
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