Photo: Hasse Holmberg / TT
We urge the government and the environment minister Åsa Romson to absorb the Shore delegation’s conclusions.
there are over 400 000 km of beach in Sweden. This is equivalent to more than ten times around the world. These beaches are a fantastic resource and an environment that both safeguard and develop. With the right rules, homes, businesses, visitors, outdoor recreation, wildlife and nature interact.
In the alliance government implemented several reforms Centre Party for a more appropriate shore, but more is needed. A sustainable shoreline must be perceived as fair and reasonable. That is not the case today, and therefore required a more flexible regulatory framework with more local influence.
To protect important beach habitats, roam and people’s access to nature is for the Centre Party a given. But there must also be a balance between conservation and development. Many municipalities testify today about the opportunities to develop their attractiveness is limited because of a rigid shore and that there will be sufficient room for adaptation to local conditions. Although individual pinched when, for example, is not allowed to build a house for the children at the site have been owned for generations.
In the alliance government implemented the Centre Party, a major reform of shoreline protection. A general review of the expanded shoreline has led to overall smaller areas are protected beach. It was introduced so-called LIS areas that provide increased opportunities to build and operate in rural areas. An opportunity for the provincial government to completely abolish shore protection at small rivers created. These were important steps in the right direction, but the process of reform has also shown that more is needed.
As part of the work was added Shore delegation, with representatives from government agencies, municipalities, county administrative boards. In its final report, they note that a number of problem areas relating to shoreline protection can not be addressed within the framework of the current legislation. Centre Party shares this conclusion and make a series of urgent reforms.
• A decentralized and locally produced shore. Provide the Municipality more power to decide which beach areas to be preserved and which ones can be built. Buyers of housing, development, jobs and activities must be given a greater role in assessments of shoreline protection. In places where there is no significant environmental impact should be possible to build and operate even beach.
• Revoke the general shoreline protection at small lakes, streams and artificial waterways. To reduce regulatory hassles and ensure that the really important areas are protected, the basic rule should be that the shoreline is not applicable to small rivers and lakes. A report with proposals for new legislation was developed by the Environmental Protection Agency after behalf of the Alliance government. But it is apparently on Åsa Romson table collecting dust.
• More and more flexible rules for local development. LIS regulations need to be revised. The parts of the country where it is today not possible to identify the LIS areas have become less so that more geographical areas can become LIS areas. Ideas, opportunities and initiatives for activities or construction is not adapted to the bureaucratic processes and it must become easier and faster to create LIS areas. In addition, the County Administrative Appellate opportunity greatly limited, particularly as regards municipal building permits in already established LIS areas.
Shore Delegation also notes that in 10 of 21 counties are now exceptions and limitations to the general shoreline protection. It has proven rules if they are introduced throughout the country can provide more effective protection and the opportunity for development.
The Centre Party would therefore in the longer term a major overhaul of the entire regulatory framework surrounding shoreline protection where even the ability to turn the perspective being investigated. There is a great demand for both housing and better conditions for development, especially in rural areas. We urge the government and the environment minister Åsa Romson to absorb the Shore delegation’s conclusions, as soon present proposals on how we can get a more efficient and sustainable shoreline.
Kristina Yngwe
The environmental policy spokesperson (C), Vice-Chairman of the Parliamentary environment and agriculture committee
Maria Söderberg (C)
The mayor, the municipal chairman, Krokoms municipality, member of the Shore Delegation
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