New data from the German media tells us that the supplier Bosch back in 2007 warned Volkswagen for using illegal software could fool exhaust tests. According to Bild am Sonntag has VW just over a week to explain how to meet emission standards – or else the authorities in the certification and stop sales.
Over the weekend, scandal surrounding Volkswagen’s cheating with emission values increased. Already at the beginning of the scandal, many wondered how Bosch – which supplies motor and software to VW – were involved. Bosch was unaware, or was it so that maybe helped Volkswagen
According to German newspaper Bild am Sonntag have been found in documents dating all the way back to 2007 where Bosch warns Volkswagen to use the software. “Illegal” writes Bosch and underlines that the software is only intended to be used in tests. The documents also indicate that the use of this software was known high up in management.
Bild am Sonntag also claim that the State traffic authority Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt (KBA) has demanded that Volkswagen later October 7 presents how to meet the current emission regulations. Unless Volkswagen has an acceptable explanation on how to proceed threatens KBA to withdraw certification for current models.
Another newspaper, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, during the weekend argued that an engineer by 2011 questioned the appropriateness of the engineered software in the engine control. The data come from Volkswagen’s internal audit.
Volkswagen declined to comment on what they term as “speculation from the media.”
VW Group’s new boss Matthias Müller has a dirty dirty linen to wash. But the question of liability will not be easy to manage, how far up the management was actually the knowledge of the exhaust cheat?
Statement from the Board of Volkswagen AG
The Board of Volkswagen discussed intensively the situation at its meeting yesterday (25 September). There is absolutely no excuse for the manipulation that has deeply shocked the Volkswagen. The company will turn over every stone until it reaches to the bottom of this and to bring those responsible to account and take the necessary measures. The first consequences in this regard, it was decided at the meeting yesterday:
first The Board has given the Chairman mandate to allow German and American lawyers objectively examine and make it clear manipulation of the emissions data in diesel engines.
second The Board’s executive committee will be responsible to coordinate and ensure all the necessary steps to find clarity until a suggested committee begins its work.
third With information currently available, the Board recommends immediate shutdowns of certain employees. The process has already begun.
the fourth Matthias Müller will lead Volkswagen Group as CEO of Volkswagen AG. He is the firm needs now. Matthias Müller is exactly the right man at the right time for a fresh start and to pursue clarification of the current crisis that has hit our business with determination and ability to draw correct conclusions. We value highly his critical and constructive approach.
5th. The Board of Directors took the decision to propose to the shareholders at the Extraordinary General Meeting 9 November 2015 to elect Hans Dieter Pötsch as member of the Board. The Board intends to select him as its chairman.
Berthold Huber, Vice Chairman of the Board, said: “Emissions manipulations is a moral and political disaster for Volkswagen. The illegal behavior of engineers and technicians who are involved in the development of our engines shocked Volkswagen as much as it shocked the public. We can only apologize and ask our customers, the public, authorities and our investors give us a chance to make things right. ” The Board of Directors today gave the assignment to a US law firm to assist it in further clarifications and to take the necessary measures.
We have only seen the beginning of the scandal surrounding Volkswagen’s cheating!
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