Thursday, May 7, 2015

“Learn to be in the fetal position – for it will be chaos” – Business Week

Fritjof Andersson Relation Desk has been around a while. He knows how tough it can become an entrepreneur. In recent Startuppodden he gives his best advice to company builders.

Sooner or later it will be tough as an entrepreneur, you know that everyone who has a while. It is important to be aware of it and accept that there will be a part of entrepreneurship, says Fritjof Andersson, founder and CEO of Relationship desk in this week’s episode of Startuppodden.

“Find a good position to lie and shake , a fetal position, for there will be chaos, sooner or later, “Fritjof Andersson’s advice to young entrepreneurs.

When it goes bad you have to allow yourself to feel it, he says. Himself he goes around in circles when it runs together.

Relation Desk is developing a software, a service that lets businesses manage their social media accounts. It means that you are quite dependent on large social media companies like Facebook and Instagram. A mode when it gets tough is when Facebook has operating problems.

“When Facebook goes down, it becomes a pain. Recently, they went down 2.5 hours. Not but Facebook’s API, as our product call. And it’s not just so that you can call to this right, for just then sits 1 million customers and send bug reports. “

Fritjof founded Relations desk after working as a social media manager at a large company. His vision is to help companies to have better relationships with their customers with the help of social media, do not use them just to sell more. Customers include Telia, Swedbank, the main political parties and Telenor.

“The problem today is that both customers and companies are quite dissatisfied with how the dialogue with the other works. Now customers can certainly say what they think in social media, but the dialogue is still not perfect. My vision is to tie them together, so that they can have perfect dialogue with one another. A future where they can create value together. “

Recently, Relational Desk, which one of the few companies worldwide can access Instagrams API, its application programming interface, so to be able to post pictures and comments via Instagram Relation Desk. You will be able to handle several different instagramkonton simultaneously, which is not possible today.

“We nagged Instagram for a year, but when we got write access to their APIs, then there was jubilation in the office.”

Relation Desk is one of the 50 Swedish startups that sits on startup hub SUP46. The interview is part of Startuppoddens SUP46-special, sponsored by Nasdaq. Read more on

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