Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Ad nauseum want to cheat advertisers – by clicking on absolutely everything – Breakit (press release)

Now, three Americans has gone a step further than the usual ad blocker. They have created an extension to the Firefox browser which, in the background, click on every ad that appears in your browser.

The idea behind the software is to make it harder for companies to track your online behavior. By ad nauseum, “click” on a list for the user it appears that the person is interested in just about everything. Thus deluged the fair conduct in the roar of the clicks and it becomes more difficult for companies to track your behavior.

Ad Nauseums website described the service as a tool to enhance the user’s dissatisfaction with advertising networks that do not take into account user privacy. The service acts as a supplement to the regular adblockers that filter out all advertising.

We have previously written about the so-called “Adblockerbomben” that is about to change ad formats on the world web fundamentally. Although ad nauseum could move around properly in the advertisement pot.

Over a longer period, it has been common for media and sites will charge you per click on ads. Now the whole system is undermined completely on ad nauseum is becoming more prevalent. In the short term, of course clicking of increase for the media but from a longer-term perspective means that one must make the payment model is all about ad nauseum, and similar software is gaining popularity.

It has also become increasingly common for media uses what is known as the programmatic ads. The ads are automatically generated depends, among other things, which sites visitors have been on before.

advertising agencies that have based their business on such ads are likely to be among the hardest hit. In time, they are forced to change their business model completely.


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