The software Edge is similar to a digital wind tunnel. It is used to calculate air flow around various bodies and owned by the Swedish Defence Research Agency, FOI. Among other things, it has been used in the development of the JAS 39 Gripen.
After unveiling of FOI’s so-called China Business investigating Inspectorate of Strategic Products , ISP, then half a year back the Edge should be classified in relation to the rules on arms exports.
– What we are investigating is whether it should be classified as munitions, non-military equipment or a product with dual use, said Daniel North, head of the core business of the ISP.
SVT The mission of Audit presented in September documents around a decoy business relating to the export of software Edge. FOI had plans to convey a license to China – despite the EU arms embargo against the country – via KTH. The university had at this time a close aviation research cooperation with China.
Both the 2008 and 2012 assessed the ISP that Edge was neither war material or product with dual use. But TV reporters could last summer show ISPs that it had military functions, among other things, contains the functionality to calculate bomb or missile deployment from an aircraft.
In July 2014 classified the ISP again Edge that non-military equipment. Now, with the addition that the software used in the risk of mass destruction context.
Jan-Erik Lövgren, Deputy Director General of the ISP, said that the focus of the inquiry now is about Edge has features that can be used to develop ballistic missiles in their orbits passing atmospheric boundary, in and out of space. Such as long- and medium-range missiles.
– We are investigating whether there are such links, he said.
Lars Autumn Beck, Head of Department at FOI, says in a comment that Edge is a general software.
– If you describe a table and calculate air flow around a table that’s fine, describes an aircraft that is fine, and you describe a missile to calculate air flow for a missile will go it well. It’s nothing new for the Edge is a general flow solver.
The software can be used in both military and civilian context, he admits.
The ISP is now looking at is on the Edge, among other things, holds code that indicates how the missile nose cones – after space flight – will withstand re-entry in the atmosphere. This requires, among other things, that the missile part has the right angle.
The Agency’s Technical-Scientific Council shall submit its final assessment later this spring. Thereafter, the ISP consider the classification of the Edge.
According to Lars Autumn Beck, FOI, there will be no export of Edge to new licensees in day. Users such as companies and research institutions that have received license may currently not partake of updates.
KTH cooperation with China on a re-licensing of the Edge was stopped last fall after the university management consulting ISP.
While the investigation going FOI has retained its website on the Edge, which states that the program is downloadable in a limited version. But when New Technology Testing this does not work.
– It is not that something has gone wrong with the download without any such possibility never have been created, says Like Kruse, Director, Communications at FOI.
After the New Technology of questions on the website of the week changed FOI content.