Thursday, February 26, 2015

Animalfree allergy tests would pinpoint the winning spot – New Technology


The use of animals to test cosmetics is no longer allowed in the EU, and the industry is looking high and low for new testing methods. Lund company Senzagen has developed a test which instead uses human cells to investigate whether a substance is allergenic.

– Our test shows right with 90 percent security, while animal experiments just came up in 75 percent, says CEO Anki Malmborg Hager.

Senzagen is one of the nominees for this year’s edition of new technologies and business world list of the country’s 33 hottest young technology companies. Already on Tuesday, the company has a chance to secure a spot on the list when the regional final is decided in Lund.

The test method is based on research at Lund University. It is based on a type of human cells that play an important role in our immune system.

By measuring the 200 selected genes react to the substance to be tested so you can judge whether the substance can cause allergies.

The company has made a small profit in the last two years and in the order book for this year are already test orders with a value of over five million. In the spring the company moves to new premises and recruits in order to increase capacity.

An important event of the year is the trade association Cosmetics Europe’s high evaluation of test methods that can replace the old animal testing. At the end of the year, the association must select the methods that will be recommended.

– From the beginning there were 16 tests in the evaluation, and Senzagen is one of the four or five who have gone on to the next phase. So far it’s our test that gave the safest answer, says Anki Malmborg Hager.

On the regional finals in Lund compete Senzagen against the D Laboratory, analyzes the slightest disturbance in the electricity grid and warns of blackouts, and InfraSight Labs, which developed software for analyzing and monitoring the company’s IT systems. The combatants are grilled by a jury.

In addition, they can submit a separate so-called “elevator pitch”, a powerful quick presentation as energetic entrepreneurs should To burn off if they end up in the same elevator as a potential investor. After a deliberation crowned the winner goes straight into the year’s 33 list.

The last regional finals held in Gothenburg on Wednesday next week, and you can read about it in next week’s newspaper. Follow both on


Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Apple has released iOS 8.3 beta 2 –

Apple released this evening a second beta of iOS 8.3, which is two weeks after the first beta version. Furthermore came Xcode 6.3 beta 2 with Swift 1.2 and a beta version of new software for the third-generation Apple TV.

New features in iOS 8.3 is wireless Apple CarPlay, a new selector for Emoji symbols, enhanced’s login Google services and improved voice for Siri and support for Apple Pay in China. But above all, now Siri in Swedish.

Apple released tonight also a second preview version of OS X, 10.10.3 with new photos app that will replace iPhoto and Aperture.


Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Hittelönen of felt hacker: 25 million – Expressen

The US government is offering a reward of more than 25 million for a known hackers.

The sum is given to the person sitting on information that could lead to the arrest of Russian Evgeniy Mikhailovich Bogachev.

Three million dollars, corresponding to 25.2 million, offered for information on where the hacker Evgeniy Mikhailovich Bogachev whereabouts, reports the CBS . It is the United States Department of State to announce reward for Bogachev who also goes by the alias “lucky12345″ and “Slavik”.

The hacker must have been part of a network that has installed malicious software on more than one million computers to able to steal banking information. In this way it has been over $ 100 million from businesses and consumers alike.


Sunday, February 22, 2015

“He said he was a monster” – Swedish Radio

Police forensic Åke Östberg testify to what it looked like when police forensic scientists came to the scene and found the 24-year-old toddlers the mother’s body.

The highly seasoned police report that the apartment was clinically cleaned and he describes cutting and well executed. One detail that gets people in the courtroom wince.

On the coffee table next to where the man and the woman remained to sleep also found a note with the text “this guys is about to die”. A patch according to the 28-year-old man is a title of a work of art he planned and that the patch happened to be right there was just a coincidence.

The 28-year-old gets very involved when he responds in detail in the questions put to him about the artwork.

When the police technicians go on to tell of pieces Association executive shaking 28-year-old uncontrollably and holding his hand to his mouth. He snorts loudly and shakes his head when police state that each mixture implementing suggest that those who implemented it has knowledge of the cuts.

Cutting is a word that 28-year-old did not use the incident, he has always used expressions “treatment” and “worked” when he talks about cutting process.


New software can restrict the NSA’s Surveillance – New Technology


“There is no software that can fully replace the massive collection, when it comes to exploring new måltavlors past.”

Det finds a committee of renowned US IT researchers and cyber experts led by Robert F. Sproull, Adjunct Professor of Computer Science at the University of Massachussettes and former Director of Oracle Labs. The group is also persons of high-level working in US intelligence.

They now – on behalf of US President Barack Obama – examined how the NSA signals intelligence organization, the National Security Agency, may reduce or limit his acclaimed large-scale electronic mass surveillance, as revealed by Edward Snowden.

Obama held last January a speech to the nation regarding Snow Dens revelations about NSA.s work.

Shortly thereafter, he issued a presidential decree who was that man should investigate the possibility of creating software that clearer than today makes intelligence gathering focused on certain goals.

The aim would be to reduce the controversial so-called mass or bulk collection and thus integritetsintrången in people’s private lives.

The answer is yes, according to the American researchers Now in a report published on Thursday and can be read here.

NSA’s search of information via the internet and telecom systems in the world partly carried out manually to other parts through automated systems and software.

The latter is possible to develop and hone in different ways, now state committee. Among other things, so that the search rules become more stringent and creates more control over the collection, compared to today.

New algorithms are proposed also developed in order that with more automation than today curtail NSA personnel’s ability to search for information in databases. It also wants to increase opportunities to subsequently be able to automatically revise and examine how data is used and how the logs look.

The Committee also points that the boundaries between the collection of bulk and information gathering directed towards specific goals or targets, is vague.

The breakdown suggests that targeted intelligence is not the same as massive collection.

But even gathering called oriented and covers only selected targets can in itself constitute the bulk of data collection, finds man.

The group believes instead that the bulk collection should be defined as a gathering where a significant amount of collected data can not be linked to the goal or target (current targets) which signal detection is supposed to cover.

“From a technical view, involves a circumscribed bulk collection that analysts are deprived of certain information, says committee leader Robert F. Sproull, to The New York Times.

But, he says, too. This “does not necessarily mean that the current bulkínsamlingen must continue.

Looking to the future tracks Committee that mass surveillance will spread to cover new areas, such as Stuff The Internet. But even technologies that protect electronic information is rapidly developing.


Simplivity boosts Cisco Servers – Computer Sweden

(CS / Milan) Last fall Cisco began a collaboration with Simplivity, a company that specializes in the so-called hyperkonvergerad architecture. The result of this collaboration is called the Cisco C240 ​​with Omnistack based on Cisco’s servers instead of the Dell Servers Simplivity normally use.

– With our servers in combination with Simplivitys accelerator cards and software gives customers the best of both worlds. You get a system with hyper-convergence and tight integration with VMware from Simplivity in combination with fast, easy provisioning and monitoring of infrastructure with UCS Manager, says Cisco systems expert Greger Jerlehagen.

Simplivity is a relatively new player in the market and it was only last year that the company established a Swedish office.

– A years ago we were only 230 employees and now we’re up to 400 and seen a fivefold growth, says Simplivitys Sweden head Anders Perlinger.

read more High Game by Cisco

He says cooperation with Cisco had great significance for these successes because it meant increased awareness about the company’s products.

In Simplivitys range includes a number of different versions of Omnicube the simplest model costs 24,000 dollars while the Cisco Collaboration C240 which have higher capacity, has an entry price of 51,000 dollars.

read more Joel Åsblom: Focus on offline use

Anders Perlinger state that it managed to sell 18 Omnicube so far in Sweden. The common denominator is that they are based on the proprietary technology for pre-deduplication that deduplicate data in real time before it is stored and it is performed by an accelerator card. The system also includes built-in support for backing up and restoring data without additional licensing costs. Simplivity also stresses happy that they have features to replace not only traditional storage systems, but also WAN accelerators, cloud gateways and products for backup processing.


WiFi logger desired – PC All

put the question in another forum but where I called for applications for Android.

Have searched and tried a Some apps but have not (yet) made a search on the program for Linux, OS X, or Windows.

Want thus have a program that controls the WiFi network in terms of “connectivity”.

A log that either shows a trend curve if the network has been “up” or not.

Alternatively, someone who only logs when the network is “down”.

Do not need to keep track of signal strength, channel, other networks, etc.

The reason is that some devices are constantly dropping, and regains, connection to the network while this is not shown in some other devices.

I do not just reboot the router or switch channels etc. and take a chance that the problem ceases.

We have “proof” that it either is, or is not, the network / router that is malfunctioning.

Ideally, for free of course, but a 15-day Trial of something really good program would surely also work.


5GHz is not visible – PC All

Searched on “5GHz” there are lots of threads about this but none seem to fit …
Keeps going crazy!
Have a wireless router Belkin N600 Dual band.
Self I drive by wire of 100 Mb / s (actually about 95) and has nothing to complain on but ….
My wife run wireless on laptop, in addition we have two phones and a tablet and a Chromecast to the wireless.
The wife surf the most and do not really have complained and the phones and the plate is not used very much but I began to think it was a little dull anyway watched Bredbandskollen, missus had only about 40-50 Mb / s, it does not help to put the computer next to the router
Once we had strange as he looked he saw our network, yes both the ordinary and 5GHz
What then 5 Ghz? I pulled remember that when I installed the router then it was two frequency bands / routers synthesis, 2.4 and 5 GHz, saw only 2.4 GHz.
I also have an old laptop with XP that I use sporadic but it has only “G” standard on the internal card.
Now I found at a flea market a DWL-AG650 Dualband Wireless Cardbus Adapter for 15 crowns, I plugged it into the old retainers and there I see both bands !!
But not on other devices?
It can not then be a problem with the router but I have not changed anything on my wife’s PC, the two phones and tablet ??

Edited by RuneM, Today, at 16:04.


Accused of secret spyware – New Technology


According to the company’s researchers technologies have great similarities with the data the worm Stuxnet, which spread across the world in 2010 and caused major problems in Iran’s nuclear program.

By planting into the malware in computer software (firmware), which controls both the hardware and operating system, the spyware be almost impossible to detect and delete. According to Kaspersky Lab exceed the complexity of the attacks “all known” and should have been ongoing since 2001.


Cyber ​​Robber took control of the banks’ computers – change, one billion US dollars – News Today

Published: 16-02-2015 17:20

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 Phishing. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Phishing. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

New software provides secure file sharing for virtual environments and clouds – Mynewsdesk (press release)

Secure access to corporate files and e-mail via mobile devices now offered by CommVault as part of the suite Simpana.

“Users are accustomed to being able to access their files in consumer applications like Dropbox. With our new module enables us now so in corporate environments, “says Anders Stinger, Nordic Manager for CommVault.

Users of Simpana can easily share data between each other while the company retains control over the information that is constantly kept internally. Company data can be maintained and there are no islands of information that is not searchable.

“BYOD trend is often seen as a threat to data security. With this software, users support with secure Access to data by the client of their choice. “Adds Anders Stinger.

Simpana Endpoint Data Protection is a set of solutions designed to support mobile working with efficient backup of laptop and desktops, as well as with the possibility of synchronizing data with the user’s tablets and mobiles, with secure access via the service portals.

The increasing use of mobile devices can increase vulnerability dådessa frequently outside the IT department’s control. Simpana now offers a centrally organized platform with safety
copying and protection of data, search, document sharing and automatic compliance with company policies.

Simpana is a comprehensive information management system that provides module-based access to data processing with a unified interface for both traditional physical clients but also for virtual and cloud environments like Windows Azure and Amazon Web Services.

“The risk of a data breach involving significant challenges for many companies. Simpana Endpoint Data Protection provides individualized solutions with flexible pricing that protects corporate data while improving productivity with secure data access via mobile devices, “says Anders Stinger.

Simpana Endpoint Data Protection includes the following modules, which are also available individually:

Backup and Restore client

  • The client’s data is protected with fast and efficient backup with deduplication påkällsidan, opportunistic scheduling and automatic control of the bandwidth occupied.
  • The risks are reduced by automatically applying company policies.
  • Productivity is improved through constant access to protected data through the website, mobile app or directly in Windows.

File Sharing

  • Access to files via mobile devices.
  • Cooperation within the company made possible, without any special solutions from the IT department or the use of unsafe consumer applications.
  • Sensitive business data remains confidential and company policies are maintained.

Comprehensive security and prevention of data loss

  • Remote Wipe minimizes the risk of critical business data is stolen or lost due to a chance event .
  • Encryption of data transfer and of inactive data ensures data security and guidelines. Since the encryption certified to FIPS 140-2.
  • Selective encryption of files and folders to prevent unauthorized access.

Analysis visualizing your data

  • Packed control panel with easy navigation allows quick overview of space management.
  • Control påindivid- group or företagsnivåmed into account files type, age and size.

CommVault develops systems for high-performance data protection, universal availability and simplified data management in complex storage networks. CommVault’s architecture has a single platform that gives companies control over data growth, costs and risk. Simpana software suite is designed to provide the same functionality at all levels and share the same code, high-capacity data protection, archiving, replication, search and resource management. The Company is classified as an industry leader by Gartner in its annual ranking Gartner Magic Quadrant . CommVault’s headquarters is located in Oceanport, New Jersey, United States.

For more information, see

Press Contacts

Anders Stinger, CommVault, Telegrafgatan 8, 169 72 SOLNA. E-mail:; Tel: +46 8410649 90; Mob: +46 70 899 08 09

Maggie Gaston, Touchdown PR;; Tel: +44 1252 717 040

Johan Sjöberg, Touchdown PR;; Tel: +46 70 5694 839


Lenovo is accused of installing spyware on new computers – can read your … –

There is news website The Next Web, reporting that new PCs from Lenovo comes with a hidden application to control which ads users see on the Web. The program is called Superfish and analyze what products the user is viewing via web browsers Chrome, Internet Explorer and Firefox and insert their own ads on websites and in Google searches.

read more Chemicals Inspectorate blacklisting poisonous tablets

Lenovo Yoga
Lenovo Yoga, photo: Maurizio Pesce, CC BY

To program existed preloaded on Lenovo’s consumer machines have been discussed in various user forums and post complaints shall Lenovo in late January temporarily have removed the program from the new machines delivered. Company spokesperson, according to The Next Web in the same forum defended the program that helps users find cheaper products.

According to the spokesperson, it should also be possible to prevent the program is installed on a new computer by refusing to accept a user agreement when the computer is first started. However, it seems most users according to The Next Web have missed.

A Swedish users on the Lenovo forums also point to a greater risk with Superfish. On a screen shot shows he or she will Superfish installed its own cryptographic certificat in the computer that opens to a so-called man-in-middle attack where traffic against an encrypted webbisda, such as a bank, could be intercepted and read unencrypted by Superfish despite the fact that the browser shows that the traffic is safe.

The reason that Super Fish wants to “hijack” the encrypted traffic is likely to be able to insert their own ads also on encrypted pages.

According to the site Ars Technica has the problem of certificates confirmed also by security researcher Chris Palmer yesterday bought a new Lenovo Yoga 2 with Superfish installed. He has also been seen that the security certificate that Superfish installed on his computer and replacing it his bank would have used are the same on other users’ computers which according to him increases the risk that someone with bad intentions could create a false certificate for a secure Web users with Lenovo could not discover. during ‘m talking to Lenovo in Sweden who say they have too little information about Superfish for be able to comment.
